How do you open diligence crux in Oblivion?

How do you open diligence crux in Oblivion?

Use the torch to light the three podiums in the room. Be aware that the podium fires will extinguish after a few seconds, so you will have to be quick in lighting all the fires. When all podiums are lit at once, you will be able to open the Diligence Crux in the middle of the room. This urn holds the amulet.

Is luck good in Morrowind?

Luck is very important for mages because it increases the chance of successfully casting spells. In Morrowind, spells can be created that have a 0% chance of being successfully cast even if one has mastered the necessary skill. However, with enough Luck, one can increase the casting chance to any number.

What does willpower do in Morrowind?

Willpower is the governing Attribute for Alteration, Destruction, Mysticism, and Restoration. It affects: Your ability to successfully cast spells of any College.

How does speechcraft work in Morrowind?

Those skilled in the art of Speechcraft influence others by admiring, intimidating, and taunting them. Listeners are more willing to divulge information or to entrust important tasks to the skilled speaker.

Where can I get a drain skill spell in Morrowind?

She can be found in the Prison Towers of Moonmoth Legion Fort. Just exit Balmora and follow the path east.

How do I make a constant effect in Morrowind?

You can only create an item with Constant Effect (CE) enchantment if the size of the soul in the gem is 400 or greater. This means that only a few creatures, in a Grand Soul Gem or Azura’s Star, provide souls large enough to create CE enchantments.

Where can I buy spells in Morrowind?

Morrowind:Spell Merchants

Town House/Location
Ascadian Isles Region (4,-8) 1
Balmora Guild of Mages 4