
How do you get the glasses in Pokemon Ruby?

How do you get the glasses in Pokemon Ruby?

Go west from the entrance and go outside through the door there. When you are outside, go east and talk to the man there. The Blackglasses are hidden a few squares to the left of him. Talk to the man after you find the glasses.

How rare is Ralts in Pokemon Ruby?

Catch Pokémon In Route 102, you can catch Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, and you have a 1% chance of encountering Ralts. In Pokémon Ruby and Emerald, you can also find Seedot.

Where is Route 116 in Pokemon Ruby?


How do you get an Eevee in Omega Ruby?

You can get it after you have successfully defeated or captured Groudon or Kyogre, and you need to go to Littleroot Town and talk to Professor Birch. He will upgrade your Pokedex. Go to Route 116 near Rustboro City. Here you will find Eevee and other Pokémon such as Nincada and the common Zigzagoon.

How do you get past Route 116 in Pokemon Omega Ruby?

Route 116 is a short area that connects Rustboro City in the west with Rusturf Tunnel in the east. The west side of the route is split into two by a group of trees. Take the bottom path to find a bug Pokemon trainer near a Repel….Route 116.

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Area Grass
Method Walking
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What Pokemon are on Route 116 in Omega Ruby?

In Route 116, you can catch Taillow, Whismur, Zigzagoon, Skitty, and Nincada. The path splits in two near the entrance. In the south path, you encounter Bug Catcher Jose, who has Wurmple, Nincada, and Silcoon.

How do you cross Rusturf tunnel in Pokemon Ruby?

  1. Catch Pokémon. The only pokémon that you can encounter in the cave is Whismur.
  2. Get an Item. Go north from the cave entrance and you will see an item on the ledge.
  3. Battle the Grunt. Go east to battle the grunt.
  4. Go back Outside. There is a dead end to the east.
  5. Return the Stolen Goods.
  6. Go to Mr.

What moves does lucario?

Lucario is a playable character for the arcade fighting game. Its moves include Force Palm, Bone Rush, Extreme Speed, and multiple variations of Aura Sphere. Upon entering Burst form, it Mega-Evolves and can use the Burst Attack Aura Blast.

Is lucario good sword?

Lucario’s high attack stat and typing make it a very appealing Pokemon. Having a second type in addition to Fighting allows it to get a STAB move off against Ghost types, which are somewhat common in the current meta. In order to give it as many chances to attack as possible, this build opts for a Focus Sash.