
How do you escape the eye of the Falmer?

How do you escape the eye of the Falmer?

If the Sneak skill is high enough, it is possible to bypass the chaurus and Falmer by sneaking along the golden pipes above their heads. Continue through the rear of the cave onto a downward hill, making sure to kill the Falmer before dropping down. Head through the gate, then down into Irkngthand Sanctuary.

Where is the Thieves Guild library?

It is located underground in the northwestern corner of Abah’s Landing. The Den is a hub for guild quests and functions as an Outlaws Refuge, providing all the typical services. The main chamber contains museum pedestals for the items on Kari’s Hit List.

How much is the Thieves Guild DLC?

The Thieves Guild DLC game pack is available from the Crown Store for 2000 crowns. Note: If you have an active ESO Plus membership, you will have access to all DLC game packs available in the Crown Store–including Thieves Guild–at no cost.

How do I find Quen?

Quen can be found at the entrance of Abah’s Landing or in any Outlaws Refuge. She will offer you a job, and will task you with traveling to either the Wayrest, Windhelm, or Woodhearth docks, depending on your alliance. After embarking from the docks on her ship, you will arrive at Fulstrom Homestead.

Where is Abah’s Landing?


Where is Fulstrom Homestead?


How do you get to Fulstrom Manor?

Pick the lock on the entrance and enter Fulstrom Manor. Approach the bookcase between the doors and it will slide away to reveal a combination puzzle. Turn the tumblers so the correct symbol is at the top. The correct combination is displayed on top of the bookcase (Horn, Candle, Skull).

How do you get past the manor guards?

In order to get past the manor Guards talk with Eshaba. Take Vulkhel Guard Marine Disguise from a Merchant Chest just behind Eshaba. When you equip it from inventory you are able to talk to Battlereeve Urcelmo near the temple.

How do I level up the Thieves Guild?

To rank up in the Thieves Guild, you must gain reputation. Doing the DLC-related quests gains you reputation. There are a total of 12 ranks of reputation.