
How do you describe a cold character?

How do you describe a cold character?

Some common traits of ‘cold’ characters: They are not talkative and avoid unnecessary conversation. When they do speak, they are direct and to-the-point with little or no regard for the feelings of others. They avoid expressing their feelings.

What does it mean to be a calculated person?

adjective. If you describe someone as calculating, you disapprove of the fact that they deliberately plan to get what they want, often by hurting or harming other people. [disapproval] Northbridge is a cool, calculating, and clever criminal who could strike again.

What does meditative thinking mean?

What does meditative thinking mean? It means to notice, to observe, to ponder, to awaken an awareness of what is actually taking place around us and in us. Meditative thinking does not mean being detached from reality or, as Heidegger says, “floating unaware above reality” (1966b, p. 46).

Is being calculated a bad thing?

A calculating person is often seen as malicious and selfish — so it’s used as a negative trait. That said, there is nothing wrong if your are calculating to ensure the outcome benefits the group. That’s called strategically planning!

What’s the meaning of calculate?

transitive verb. 1a : to determine by mathematical processes calculate the rate of acceleration. b : to reckon by exercise of practical judgment : estimate calculate the likelihood of success. c : to solve or probe the meaning of : figure out trying to calculate his expression— Hugh MacLennan.

What is a Cullet?

: broken or refuse glass usually added to new material to facilitate melting in making glass.

What convert means math?

To change a value or expression from one form to another. Measurement: to change from one unit to another such as from inches to millimeters, or liters to gallons, etc. Example: convert 12 inches to millimeters. 12 inches × 25.4 mm/inch = 304.8 mm.

Is Christianity the biggest religion in the world?

Of the world’s major religions, Christianity is the largest, with more than two billion followers.

What is the most popular religion in USA?

The most popular religion in the U.S. is Christianity, comprising the majority of the population (73.7% of adults in 2016).