How do you calculate unique combinations?

How do you calculate unique combinations?

The formula for combinations is generally n! / (r! (n — r)!), where n is the total number of possibilities to start and r is the number of selections made. In our example, we have 52 cards; therefore, n = 52.

What is a unique combination?

a leading to only one result. the sum of two integers is unique.

What is the combination rule?

(By convention, 0! = 1.) A combination is a selection of all or part of a set of objects, without regard to the order in which they were selected. This means that XYZ is considered the same combination as ZYX. The number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time is denoted by nCr.

How many 4 digit numbers contain at least one 8 or 9?

Therefore, we have 8 choices (1 to 9, except 3) for the first digit, and 9 choices (0 to 9, except 3) for each of the other 3 digits. Therefore, 8 * 9 * 9 * 9 = 5832 4-digit numbers are possible without a digit 3. Therefore, number of 4-digit numbers containing at least one digit 3: = 9000 – 5832 = 3168.

What is 9 digit greatest number?

  • There are 900 million 9 digit numbers.
  • The smallest 9 digit number is 000 and it is read as ten crores.
  • The largest 9 digit number is 999.

What is the 8 digit greatest number?

What is the largest 8 digit number? The greatest 8-digit number is 9,99,99,999 which is read as Nine crore, ninety-nine lakh, ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine.

What is 9 digit number called?

For example, is called One hundred million. So 9 digit numbers are called hundred millions.

How much is 9 numbers?

Numbers Bigger Than a Trillion

Name Number of Zeros Groups of (3) Zeros
Billion 9 3 (1,
Trillion 12 4 (1,000)
Quadrillion 15 5
Quintillion 18 6

How many zeros are there from 1 to 1000?

192 zeros

Is there a number called Octillion?

noun, plural oc·til·lions, (as after a numeral) oc·til·lion. a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 27 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 48 zeros.