
How do you beat time travel on Poptropica?

How do you beat time travel on Poptropica?

Use the following steps to climb to the top.

  1. Jump onto boxes and then onto the roof of the house.
  2. Jump onto the chimney and then onto the head of the Statue of Liberty and.
  3. Jump to the wooden ledge above.
  4. Jump off the top ledge to the left.
  5. Land on the ledges on the building to the left.

How do you turn on the time machine in Poptropica?

Go right. Once you reach Pendulum’s Lab (with the distressed lady in front), go in and right again. Talk to the people there, and they will tell you WHAT the problem is with this town. Then go downstairs and push the switch all the way right to activate the time machine.

Where is Thomas Edison’s phonograph Poptropica?

Time Tangled Island

Where is the notebook in Poptropica time tangled?

Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebook can be found in the 1882 AD time period of Time Tangled Island. To get it, go to the very left, where you will see a man next to a box and a barrel. Jump onto the box, then to the roof of the house marked “Gadget, Gauthier et Cie”.

Where is the salt rocks in Poptropica time tangled?

the Graff House

How do you get the peace medal in Poptropica time tangled?

Type. The Peace Medal can be found hanging on the pulley system of Leo’s Workshop (1516 AD) on Time Tangled Island. To reach it, it may help to be wearing the Glider. When you return it to the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1805 AD), that time period will be restored.

Where is the cave in Poptropica time tangled?

the Viking island

Where is the Aztec sun piece in Poptropica?

The Piece of Stone can be found on top of the chimney at Edison’s Workshop, 1877 AD. It is part of a larger decoration known as the Sun Stone in the Aztec time period (1519 AD), which is missing a piece.

Where are the goggles in Poptropica?

The Goggles can be found being worn by one of the Aztec guards in the Aztec time period (1519 AD) of Time Tangled Island. To get it from him, you’ll need to wear the Warrior Headdress from the retired warrior and talk to him.

How do you get the vase in Poptropica?

The Golden Vase can be found inside a cave in the Vikings (831 AD) time period of Time Tangled Island. To get it, go in front of the cave with the entrance blocked by a bunch of rocks. Click on the rocks to use your Gunpowder. The entrance will be cleared.

How do you get to the top of Edison’s house on Poptropica?

Edison’s Workshop, 1877 Hop on, and click on the circle on top of the bigger wheel to make it move. When it stops, jump onto the branch above the vehicle and up again.

Where is the thumb drive in Poptropica Shrink Ray Island?

You’ll also need the thumb drive from under CJ’s bed. To get that, jump onto the fan so it goes lower so you can reach the switch. Hit the switch, and the fan will turn on and blow away the dust under CJ’s bed. Turn the fan off and grab the Thumb Drive.

Where is the key in Poptropica Shrink Ray Island?

The Diary Key is an item on Shrink Ray Island. It is found inside of the fish tank in the living room of C.J.’s apartment. To get it, you must turn off the tank filter and feed the fish some fish food, so they won’t bother you.

What is the password to CJ’s computer on Poptropica?

Marie Curie

How do you get the cat out of the house on Poptropica?

Whiskers the cat Jump up on the ledge near a window, then up again onto the blue roof. From there, hop onto the chimney and click to enter through it. Inside the house, go right over to the white Empty Bowl lying on the ground and pick it up. Leave the house by going left and exiting by the red fireplace.


How do you beat time travel on Poptropica?

How do you beat time travel on Poptropica?

Go to Timbuktu Inn on the right.

  1. Jump over the snake on the right.
  2. Jump onto the ledge made of logs.
  3. Jump onto a similar one above it.
  4. Jump on top of the tall rock structure on the right.
  5. Jump to the right of the tall rock formation.
  6. Jump down from the rock formation and to the right.

How to get to time tangled Island Part 1?

Poptropica Time Tangled Island Walkthrough Part 1. Once you first arrive at Time Tangled Island go right until you reach an orange haired guy, talk to him and then enter the door that he goes into. Once through the door you need to go down all the way to the bottom. When you get to the bottom you will see an arrow on a wall.

How to find the vase in tangled Island?

Go to the Great Wall of China and pick up a barrel of explosives. Go to where the Vikings are and climb onto the first cliff. Click the rock-pile and run. It should blow up. Pick up the torch and go inside. You only have a little while before your torch goes out to find the vase.

Which is the hardest part of time tangled Island?

One of the hardest parts of Time Tangled island is the inside of the cave in the Viking area. When you enter the cave, you only have about 30 seconds until your torch flickers out. Since you can only see part of the way, there’s not a lot of room for error. But here’s a great cheat: the complete map of the inside of the cave.

Where do you find the arrow in tangled Island?

Once you first arrive at Time Tangled Island go right until you reach an orange haired guy, talk to him and then enter the door that he goes into. Once through the door you need to go down all the way to the bottom. When you get to the bottom you will see an arrow on a wall. Push the big grey object the arrow is pointing at as far right as it goes.