
How do Star Trek coordinates work?

How do Star Trek coordinates work?

According to Star Trek Maps, the XYZ spatial coordinates 0,0,0 used by the Federation are those of a central navigation beacon located near the core worlds of the Federation. The galactic XYZ values are in a grid in relation to this central beacon. Units in the grid are parsecs.

Where does Star Trek take place?

The Voyage Home-2282 or 2283 (Kirk states it has been three months since the crew has been on Vulcan, which could denote a year change.) The Final Frontier-Sometime between 2284 and 2287 (This is the fuzziest one in terms of placement for me because of TWoK’s placement but most people agree it takes place in 2287.)

What is bearing and Mark?

The first number in a bearing describes an azimuth in degrees, and the second describes an elevation. For example, a bearing of 000 mark 0 describes a direction directly ahead of the vessel. A bearing of 330 mark 15 describes a direction to the port side (left) of the ship, somewhat above the centerline of the vessel.

What quadrant is Earth in Star Trek?

Earth (also known as Tellus, Terra or Sol III) is a class M planet, the third planet in the Sol star system in the space of the galaxy’s Alpha Quadrant, at coordinates 1.23N 2.79W.

What does NCC stand for on Enterprise?

Naval Construction Contract

How fast is Warp 9 in Star Trek?

four billion miles per second

Who was captain of the Enterprise before Kirk?

Christopher Pike

Who was captain of the Enterprise after Kirk?

Kelvin Timeline – U.S.S. After Kirk saved the Starbase U.S.S. Yorktown from Krall, he was given command of the newly-built Constitution-class U.S.S. Enterprise-A at the conclusion of Star Trek Beyond.

Who is the most popular Star Trek captain?

Name and Rank: The 10 Best Captains In Star Trek

  • 3 Benjamin Sisko.
  • 4 Jean-Luc Picard.
  • 5 Hikaru Sulu.
  • 6 James Kirk.
  • 7 Matt Decker.
  • 8 Christopher Pike.
  • 9 Robert April.
  • 10 Jonathan Archer. The first Starfleet officer to captain a starship launched by the United Earth, Captain Jonathan Archer is considered to be the greatest explorer of the 22nd century.

Did Kirk ever encounter the Borg?

No, at least not in canon. Some non-canon material has Kirk and some of his former crew in the TNG era fight the Borg while some say V’Ger of the first film had actually encountered the Borg.

How did James T Kirk die?

warp core radiation poisoning

Did Khan kill Kirk?

Khan is forced to retreat and effect repairs, while Enterprise limps to Regula I. Khan, having used Terrell and Chekov as spies, orders them to kill Kirk; Terrell resists the eel’s influence and kills himself, while Chekov collapses as the eel leaves his body.

Does Captain Kirk have a son?

By far the biggest event in Kirk’s pre-Enterprise life, however, was his relationship with Carol Marcus and the birth of his son, David, who would eventually feature in The Wrath of Khan.

Who Killed Captain Kirk?

Malcolm McDowell

What does Spock say to Kirk when he died?

Spock reassured Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) as he died: (“Don’t grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh (the needs of the few).

What is Spock’s famous saying?

Live long and prosper

What does Captain Kirk say?

Beam me up, Scotty

What does the T stand for in James T Kirk?

Veridian III. James Tiberius Kirk is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise.

What did Captain Kirk say instead of engage?

The Star Trek Encyclopedia has this to say on the subject: Producer Bob Justman wrote the line ” Make it so! ” James Tiberius “Jim” Kirk was a 23rd century Human Starfleet officer. Pike was the first captain of the Enterprise in the original Star Trek, but Captain Kirk replaced him shortly after.

Does Kirk ever meet Picard?

In the movie Star Trek Generations, Captain Kirk and Captain Picard meet to defeat Soran. According to the wiki, Kirk captains the Enterprise-B in year 2293 and Picard captains the Enterprise-D in 2371 (78 years later).

Does Captain Kirk appear in the next generation?

In the real world, Kirk was Star Trek’s Captain from The Original Series in 1966 onward until his death in Star Trek Generations, while Captain Picard was the star of the spinoff series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, starting in 1987.

What’s William Shatner’s net worth?

Canadian actor, author, producer, director, screenwriter, and singer William Shatner has a net worth of $100 million dollars, as of 2021.