
How do I prove Thaler innocent?

How do I prove Thaler innocent?

Paradoks: You have to complete Shani’s party to get proof that Thaler is innocent. Not true! Although that is one way to do it. Once you’ve seen the mysterious man and talked to him, and he says “you didn’t see me”, you have to go back and talk to Thaler again, EVEN THOUGH HIS DIALOGUE OPTIONS ARE GREYED OUT.

Is Vincent Meis guilty?

Vincent deemed guilty by any means: Vincent is guilty.

Where is Vincent Meis?

Vincent Meis
Special abilities Werewolf
Location Temple Quarter
Partner Carmen

Where can I find fool’s parsley?

Fool’s parsley is a swamp plant with fleshy leaves. It is abundant in both the swamp and the swamp cemetery.

How do I get a Thaler card?

Is Thaler a Good Card?…Method No. 1.

Method Purchased from Trader (20 Crowns)
Related Quest Gwent Quest: Collect ’em All!
Specific Location The Innkeep of Arinbjorn

Where is the seven cats Inn?


Why can’ti play with Thaler?

If Thaler is there but won’t play Gwent with you, make sure that you first spoke to Zoltan and beat him, then moved on and beat Roche. That is the order this must be done. Once you beat Thaler, he will give you his Geralt of Rivia close combat hero card.

Where is the best place to buy Gwent cards?

1. Buying Gwent cards from vendors

  • Innkeeper, White Orchard.
  • Innkeeper, Inn at the Crossroads, Velen.
  • Trader, Crow’s Perch, Velen.
  • Quartermaster, Crow’s Perch, Velen.
  • Trader, Midcopse, Velen.
  • Trader, Claywich, Velen.
  • Trader, Lindendale, Velen.
  • Missable: Olivier (innkeeper), Kingfisher Inn, Novigrad.

Where do I get Geralt and Ciri Gwent cards?

Beat Sigismund Dijkstra, then you can head to and play the Scoia’tael Merchant south of Novigrad. Beat them and the card is yours. The Ciri Gwent Card is equal to the Geralt of Rivia Gwent card in every way, but you can get it much earlier in the game.

How do you play Gwent and win?

Witcher 3: How to Play Gwent

  1. Each deck must contain at least 22 Unit cards.
  2. Before each match, you randomly draw 10 cards from your deck.
  3. You can re-draw (mulligan) two cards prior to the start of the game.
  4. Each game contains three rounds.
  5. The first player to win two rounds wins the game.
  6. To end a round from your perspective, pass on your turn.

What is the best Gwent faction?

What is the Best Faction in Gwent?

  1. Skellige.
  2. Northern Realms.
  3. Scoia’Tael.
  4. Monsters. The Monsters faction is one of my personal favorites, along with Skellige.
  5. Syndicate. The Syndicate faction was added in the Novigrad expansion.
  6. Nilfgaard. Maybe Nilfgaard will get some love in the next patch.

How do you always win at Gwent?

How to build a decent Gwent deck

  1. Commit to Gwent lyfe.
  2. Buy every Gwent card you can.
  3. Play every game of Gwent until you win.
  4. Do the Gwent quests as soon as you can.
  5. Don’t despair if you can’t win the tutorial match first try.
  6. Don’t despair if you can’t win against the Nilfgaardian Nobleman.

Which Gwent cards are missable?

Easily missed ones are : Dandelion card= From “A Matter Of Life And Death” quest. Iorveth card= From the side quest “Shock Therapy” Triss card= From Lambert part of “Gwent Old Pals”

Do you win a card from Priscilla?

It’s just a friendly game, you don’t win a card from her.

When you get the chance win a unique card from Lambert?

He’ll next send you to play against Lambert when you get a chance. Lambert is only available for a short time during a side quest Following the thread where you’ll meet him or later at Kaer Morhen. Once you’ve beaten Lambert in Gwent you’ll receive the unique Triss Merigold card from him.

What is the best Gwent card?

The Witcher 3: 15 Best Gwent Cards In The Game, Ranked

  1. 1 Cerys an Craite. This queen of Skellige (if you side with her during the right quest) is a force to be reckoned with in a good game of Gwent.
  2. 2 Mysterious Elf. For many types of playstyles, spies are essential.
  3. 3 Decoy.
  4. 4 Menno Coehoorn.
  5. 5 Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon.
  6. 6 Hemdall.
  7. 7 Kambi.
  8. 8 Ermion.

Does scorch affect hero cards?

Scorch is a neutral special gwent card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. When played, it immediately kills the strongest card(s) on the battlefield, which may include your own. Otherwise, Heroes are completely immune to Scorch, as they are to all special cards, and can thus be safely played.

Do you lose cards when you lose Gwent?

If you lose you just lose the game basically, you don’t lose card or Orens. There is one case however that some people make a huge mistake. The Gwent Tournament in Novigrad seems just like a Quest where you play a tournament of Gwent. If you actually win every game you will be facing a guy in a fist fight.

How do I get Geralt of Rivia Gwent card?

Head inside and look for Thaler standing against a wall along one of the wings of the establishment. Once you beat him, one of the most sought after Gwent cards in the game will be yours, the Geralt of Rivia. This is Close Combat Hero card that can be added to any of your four decks, and it has a value of 15.

Who has the geralt Gwent card?

The in-game guide says it’s one in Novigrad. It’s the Geralt of Rivia card that normally you get from Thaler in the “Playing Thaler” quest.

When can I play Thaler at Gwent?

This quest will only appear in your journal if the “Gwent: Old Pals” quest has been completed before the “A Deadly Plot” quest. Otherwise, playing with Thaler will be part of the “Gwent: Old Pals” quest. You’ll get it after you escort Thaler at the end of “A Deadly Plot” to his wagon.

Where can I find Lambert?

Meet Lambert at the Nowhere Inn Head to Novigrad and use the Oxenfurt Gate checkpoint in order to get to the Nowhere Inn faster.