How do I get rid of Astral vapor in Oblivion?
How do I get rid of Astral vapor in Oblivion?
- Pray at an Altar to any of the Nine Divines.
- Cast a restoration spell, known as Cure Disease, on yourself.
- Use a Potion of Cure Disease.
How do you check diseases in Oblivion?
You can check which diseases, if any, your character has with the status screen. Go to the magic menu, and scroll through the screens until you reach the Active Effects screen. This screen will show you all of the effects you have on you, ranging from diseases, abilities, and enchantments.
How do you kill the dread zombies in Oblivion?
If you can, exploit it like crazy: hit them with Weakness to Magic, then Weakness to Fire, then some kind of fire damage. The two weaknesses will stack (the first one magnifying not only the direct fire damage, but also the weakness to fire), and you’ll obliterate them.
Can you cure vampirism in Oblivion?
With the official Vile Lair add-on, after upgrading it, it is possible to cure vampirism at any time using the Font of Renewal in the Vile Cloister and the Purgeblood Salts found near it. This can be done as many times as desired.
Is being a vampire worth it in Oblivion?
Maybe, it’s some free spells you can use. And so long as you feed regularly (which isn’t) hard, there are no further downsides. However it can be loads of fun to play as a vampire, if you enjoy rp and the like. If you are in any way sneak/thief/assassin oriented it’s TOTALLY worth it.31
Can vampires be cured?
Vampirism can be contracted and cured an unlimited number of times. If the infection has rooted before three days have passed, a Potion of Cure Disease can be ingested to cure Sanguinare Vampiris, which, as previously mentioned, is the disease that eventually leads to Vampirism.
How do you contract vampirism in Oblivion?
For other uses, see Vampirism. For characters with vampirism, see Vampire (Oblivion). Vampirism is a syndrome acquired once Porphyric Hemophilia has infected the body for three days and the victim has slept a minimum of one hour. One infected with vampirism is called a vampire.
What is porphyric hemophilia in Oblivion?
Porphyric Hemophilia is the disease in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion that causes vampirism if left uncured for three days. Until that time, it causes Drain Fatigue 5pts.
How can I be a vampire?
To get turned into a vampire you need to do a simple exchange of blood with a vampire. Even just a 1/4 teaspoon of blood is more than enough blood to turn you into a vampire. Unlike how this is portrayed in movies, there is no need to drain someone of their blood to the point of death, when turning them into a vampire.