
How do I fix my SMS connection?

How do I fix my SMS connection?

How to fix messaging on your Android phone

  1. Go into your home screen and then tap on the Settings menu.
  2. Scroll down and then tap on the Apps selection.
  3. Then scroll down to the Message app in the menu and tap on it.
  4. Then tap on the Storage selection.
  5. You should see two options at the bottom: Clear data and Clear cache.

Why does it say message failed to send?

The message send failed means that for one of many possible reasons you can’t iMessage that particular contact. Their phone can be turned off, no signal, etc. They can even have switched to Android and not deactivated iMessage first.

What does it mean to be blocked from originating messages?

You have been blocked from Originating messages to (Number) This is one of the error messages that you can possibly get while trying to message a certain number of different numbers. It leaves you stuck in a fix as you are not able to communicate with the person you want to and that is not good at all.

How do I get my SMSC number?

For Android

  1. Open up your SMS message app.
  2. Go to “Menu”
  3. Select “Settings”
  4. Select “Advance”
  5. Click “SMS centre”
  6. Set SMS centre number as “+ or “+

Is SMSC number different from phone number?

Typically an SMSC address is an ordinary phone number in the international format. A mobile phone should have a menu option that can be used to configure the SMSC address. Normally, the SMSC address is pre-set in the SIM card by the wireless network operator, which means you do not need to make any changes to it.

What is BSNL SMS center number?


Can you get messages from a blocked number?

How to know if someone blocked your number on Android. If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.” It’s the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in.

Can you see old messages from someone who blocked you on Facebook?

Messages: Your message history with someone you’ve blocked will stay in your inbox. If the blocked person is ever included in a conversation with a group of friends, you may be able to see the messages.