
How do I contact proactive customer service?

How do I contact proactive customer service?

You can interact with us on Instagram and Facebook; you can email us at [email protected]; you can reach us via online chat, accessible every day between 8 AM and 10 PM Eastern Time; or you can call our customer service line at (800) 309-4796.

Can you refund Curology?

You are eligible for a complete refund of all money paid to Curology for the first 90 days’ supply of your subscription plan, subject to the exceptions below. The 90 day supply of your subscription includes the one month trial and following two month supply of products, including any shipping and handling charges.

What does Curology do with your pictures?

The photos you add to your Progress photo gallery are meant for personal progress tracking. They are only visible to you and your medical provider. No other Curology patient will be able to see them.

Are Curology doctors real?

According to David Lortscher, MD, board-certified dermatologist and CEO of Curology, all of the direct medical care is done by nurse practitioners and physician assistants, but Curology also has dermatologists on staff who are responsible for training and overseeing the medical providers and answering questions for …

Can vitamin D deficiency cause breakouts?

Is vitamin D deficiency a risk factor for acne? In 2006 , researchers estimated that over 41 percent of the U.S. population was deficient in the hormone called vitamin D. Vitamin D is not listed as an official risk factor for acne, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Why do probiotics give me pimples?

The sitch: Usually probiotics help breakouts rather than cause them, but if there is a disruption in the intestines and you take probiotics, they can stir up the bacteria in your gut and it can show up on your skin in the form of a pimple.

Does vitamin D improve acne?

In the randomized controlled trial of 39 acne patients with vitamin D deficiency, oral vitamin D supplementation produced a significant improvement in acne inflammation.

How can you tell if acne is hormonal?

How do you know if you have hormonal acne?

  1. You’re no longer in your teen years.
  2. Your pimples pop up around your chin and jawline.
  3. Your breakouts occur once a month.
  4. You’re seriously stressed.
  5. You’re dealing with painful cysts (versus blackheads and whiteheads).

How do I balance my hormones acne?

As well as treating acne externally, lifestyle factors such as diet and sleep can be major players in balancing hormones and alleviating consequent symptoms. One key element in re-establishing hormonal harmony is the diet we eat, with foods such as dairy thought to contain acne-stimulating androgen hormones.