
How do I cancel my Redbox account?

How do I cancel my Redbox account?

Follow these instructions to delete your Redbox account online:

  1. Log into your Redbox account on the website.
  2. Click ‘My Redbox Account’ at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click ‘Manage Subscription’.
  4. Click ‘Cancel Subscription’ at the bottom of the page.

How do I delete my Box account?


  1. Sign into your Box.com account.
  2. Visit https://app.box.com/account.
  3. Here, click ‘Permanently Delete Your Account’
  4. Confirm cancellation by clicking ‘okay’ to complete the cancellation.

How do I remove my credit card from Redbox?

As a result, if a user wants to terminate his or her Redbox Card, please contact Customer Service at1. 866. REDBOX3 (1.866. 733.2693).

How much is a Redbox account?

Redbox Instant has three pricing tiers, at $6, $8, and $9 a month. For $6, you get access to streaming only, from a fairly limited library of content — more on that later. The $8 plan gives you unlimited streaming plus four kiosk rentals a month.

How can I get my money back from Redbox?

Click Get Protected under Chargeback Instantly. Enter the details about your bank and the Redbox item you are requesting a refund for. Confirm your request with a signature.

Do Redbox have cameras?

Does Redbox machines have Cameras installed in them? Yep.

How much is it if you lose a Redbox movie?

So basically, be prepared to pay about $50 for the DVD you lost, or $72 for a lost Blu-Ray (25 days @ $1.50 + $34.50).

What is Redbox return policy?

1. Each item you rent from a Redbox kiosk has a minimum rental period of one day. That one day minimum rental period is measured from the time you first receive your rental through 9:00 p.m. the next day – unless we tell you differently at the kiosk or otherwise before you rent.

How do I report a scratched Redbox movie?

if your DVD is scratched, call REDBOX at 1.866. REDBOX3 that is 1.866. 733.2693 to tell them about the disc problem.

How much does it cost if you lose a Redbox movie?

So basically, be prepared to pay about $50 for the DVD you lost, or $72 for a lost Blu-Ray (25 days @ $1.50 + $34.50).