
How can I log into MySpace if I forgot my email and password?

How can I log into MySpace if I forgot my email and password?

Reset MySpace Login Information You’ll visit the MySpace login page and click the “Forgot Password?” option. Fill in the field for either your email address or MySpace username.

How can I recover my old MySpace account without email or password?

“Forgot Login” Procedure

  1. Go to the MySpace “Forgot Login” page in your Web browser (see link in Resources).
  2. Click to select the “MySpace URL” radio button in the top half of the form.
  3. Type the letters and numbers from the security CAPTCHA code in the applicable field.

How do I unlock my MySpace account?

If you are locked out of MySpace because you lost your MySpace password, you can reset it by using this form. Just enter your email address in that form and your password will be sent to you. Once you have your new password, it is a good idea to login to MySpace and change your password.

How do I recover an old MySpace account?

If you can’t figure out how to get to your old MySpace account, submit a customer service ticket with all the information you do have including your URL, username, email address, and full name. They will contact you and help you finish the process of deleting your account.

Why can’t I see my old myspace pictures?

We’ve transferred photos over for all classic/old Myspace accounts. You can find them in the Mixes section of your profile. *If you don’t see any photos, that means your old account was not synced to your new Myspace. Try doing a search to see if you can locate your old Myspace account.

What is the average age for a Facebook user?

40.5 years old

What ages use social media the most?

Fully 70% of those ages 18 to 29 say they use the platform, and those shares are statistically the same for those ages 30 to 49 (77%) or ages 50 to 64 (73%). Half of those 65 and older say they use the site – making Facebook and YouTube the two most used platforms among this older population..

What are the top 10 social media sites?

The 23 Top Social Media Sites in the World

  • Facebook – 2.32 Billion.
  • YouTube – 1.9 Billion.
  • Whatsapp – 1.6 Billion.
  • Messenger – 1.3 Billion.
  • WeChat – 1.01 Billion.
  • Instagram – 1 Billion.
  • QQ – 807 Million.
  • Qzone – 532 Million.

What is the number 1 social media platform?
