How can I get a random mobile number?

How can I get a random mobile number?

Random phone numbers:

  1. (711) 265-9193.
  2. (675) 844-7400.
  3. (266) 855-0710.
  4. (514) 531-8471.
  5. (966) 291-5045.
  6. (519) 978-4733.
  7. (995) 565-4039.
  8. (620) 454-1799.

Can a girl ask for a guy’s number?

Yes, it is not just okay,it is completely fine if you ask a guy for his number. Keep talking to him but don’t sound too vague, ask him for his help for something like helping you out with the class assignment etc and after spending some time together ask him for his number.

Do guys give out their number?

There are many reasons a guy gives out his number, but the main reason is that he wants to hear from you. That said, he may not be that into you. He may give you his number so he can measure if you’re really interested.. aka you’ll call if you are.. so he can have a more “sure thing”.

Why would a guy ask for your number?

Yes, he wants to be your friend that is why he asked your cell phone number. If you gave it to him, that means you have agreed to be his friend. He probably likes you a lot, he would call you for a date this weekend, make sure you answer his call. It means he is asking for your number.

Why do guys ask for my number but never call?

If you gave him your phone number, he might not call if you haven’t made it clear you’re attracted to him. If you didn’t ask for his number, then he’ll see it as you’re not that interested in him but just gave your number to get rid of him. And he could be waiting for you to call him, if you asked for his number too.

How long after giving a guy your number will he call?

For most of the men that I’ve spoken to, three days tends to be the golden rule. It’s long enough to make a girl sweat a little, but not so long that she’d forget ever having met him….

How long to wait for a guy to call after you give him your number?

A man who is interested is going to call between 1 to 24 hours later. Any longer than that, he wasn’t really interested; he was challenged and wanted to win a challenge in his mind….

Why do guys wait 3 days to call?

According to the Urban Dictionary ( the three day rule is: “A rule to prevent a man from appearing desperate or needy after attaining a girl’s phone number that he (just) met. Following this rule, you are to wait 3 days before calling in order to create suspense and appear non-needy.”…

How long should u wait for a guy to text?

Post Senning’s general rule is to not wait longer than one to three hours to reply, he tells TI. “A text conversation can go stale in a few hours,” he says. “Don’t just make them wait.” If you’re crushing on someone, don’t play mind games, he says….

Should you wait for him to call?

My answer is yes, you should go ahead and make the first move. Passively waiting around for a man to call or text you could actually be hurting your chances of having a great relationship. 1. Waiting for a guy to call or text first is actually you playing mind games with him….

What to do while waiting for a guy to text you?

Here are all the 25 things I do to distract myself while I’m waiting for a guy to text back:

  • Go for a run without my phone.
  • Take an unnecessarily long shower.
  • Call up my sister.
  • Call up my ma.
  • Call up a friend.
  • Call up my landlord so he can fix my “broken” toilet.
  • Spoon peanut butter out of a jar.

Is it bad to text a guy first?

It’s completely fine to text a guy first; in fact, it’s often a great idea….