
How big do albino Bichirs get?

How big do albino Bichirs get?

18 inches

How big do dinosaur eels get?

20 inches

Are dinosaur Bichirs aggressive?

Bichirs are predatory fish, with a moderately aggressive temperament. However, they seem to have no problems sharing their tank with larger fish. These fish are bottom-dwellers, and will spend most of their time near the bottom of the tank. They are nocturnal animals and prefer feeding during the night.

What do dinosaur eels eat?

This carnivore enjoys many foods, including: Meaty foods, including mussel, prawn, shrimp, cockle, whitebait, beefheart and silversides. Live foods, including guppies, minnows, earthworms and ghost shrimp.

Are eels dinosaurs?

Polypterus senegalus, the Senegal bichir, gray bichir or Cuvier’s bichir, and sometimes called the “dinosaur eel” (a misnomer, as the creature is neither an eel nor a dinosaur) also called “dinosaur bichir” or “dragon fish” is in the pet trade due to its lungfish-like appearance which was described as more primitive …

How long do dinosaur eels live?

15 to 20 years

Do Bichirs jump?

A 12″ bichir can jump as high as 2 feet or more. One of my lap jump out of a rubbermaid tub and the water was only 7″ deep.

Are Bichirs blind?

Bichirs are incredible creatures. They are naturally almost totally blind and deaf, and hunt mostly by smell.

Can Bichir live without air pump?

If you have sufficient surface water movement then air pumps are not necessary, however, I would suggest you have one on hand for emergency purposes along with a battery powered air pump for those times when the power may go out.

Can a Bichir live with an Oscar?

Oscar. Oscars are probably the most popular large Cichlids in the world and for good reason. While nowhere near as large as Peacock Bass, Oscars are still large predators so be careful when keeping them with smaller Bichirs. However any of the medium to large species are excellent tank mates.

Will Bichirs eat Bichirs?

Yes, bichirs will eat other bichirs, but only if 1 is bigger than the other.

How long can Bichirs go without food?

Hydrolycus Armatus. a juvie, 3 to 4 inches can live without food for around half a week.

What is the biggest Bichir?

Some members of the largest two species, the saddled bichirs (P. endlicherii) and Congo bichirs (P. congicus), grow to lengths of 75 cm (29.5 inches) and 97 cm (38.2 inches) and weights of 3.3 kg (7.3 pounds) and 4.4 kg (9.7 pounds), respectively.

What do baby Bichir eat?

Pellets are fine. Bichirs don’t need live food really. The Senegals I got as babies all grew well on Pellets and Chopped Fish/Shrimp (Small pieces)…

Can Bichir live with goldfish?

Tankmates for Bichirs Bichir owners have very little to worry about when it comes to tank mates. And being so tolerant of a wide range of water conditions Bichirs can be kept in both soft and hard water aquariums. I recommend staying away from slow-moving fish with long fins, such as fancy Goldfish.

Can dinosaur Bichir live with angelfish?

Certain bichir (note spelling!) species can be kept with angelfish. Polypterus senegalus would be the obvious choice, being fairly peaceful and not too big. The fish traded as Polypterus palmas would be another choice for the same reasons.

How can you tell if a Bichir is male or female?

Sexes can be told apart by looking at the anal fins. Male bichirs would have a broader anal fin than the females. However, this is only true for mature males and not the young ones. Also, males seem to have thicker dorsal spines than the females, though normally, females tend to be larger than the males.

Will Bichirs eat snails?

Yes bichirs will eat snail. Bristlenose plecos are actually fine with bichirs.

How fast does Delhezi grow?

MFK Member (About 4-5″ in a year.)

What do baby Bichirs eat?

Do Bichir eat snails?

Yes bichirs will eat snail.