
Does Sirius Black die?

Does Sirius Black die?

In the fifth installment of the franchise, Sirius — Harry’s godfather — was killed by cousin Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Sirius died after Bellatrix struck him with a curse that sent him falling through the veil.

Does Sirius Black come back to life?

He was killed in a battle at the Ministry of Magic by his cousin, a Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry’s (his Godson’s)5th year at Hogwarts. He returned during Harry’s 7th year along with James, Lily and Remus, after being resurrected with the help of the Resurrection stone in a hazy form.

Was Sirius Black ever a Death Eater?

Sirius was never a Death Eater and, in this last moment before the big reveal, the audience is being clued in.

Did Severus Snape love Lily Potter?

Professor Severus Snape. He was in the same year as Lily Evans and James Potter at Hogwarts – and he was deeply in love with Lily ever since he met her as a child.

Is Snape obsessed with Lily?

James loved Lily and grew with her to become her perfect companion. If Snape loved Lily, he would have done the same. Instead, he was obsessed with her and his patronus became a monument to her loss.

Did Lily really love James Potter?

And although she was one of the few people at Hogwarts who was entirely unimpressed by him, her fellow Gryffindor James Potter was also deeply infatuated with her as well. Obviously Lily ultimately chose James Potter over Severus Snape, and Lily and James got married and had their only child, Harry Potter.

Who does Lily Potter Jr marry?

Lysander Scamander

Why did they kidnap Luna?

The skirmish Xenophilius revealed that Death Eaters had captured his daughter Luna in order to force him to cease his public political dissension of them. He alerted the Voldemort-controlled Ministry that Harry was in his home in the hopes that they would return Luna in exchange for Harry himself.