Does PH mean phone?

Does PH mean phone?

What does (ph) mean? – Definition of (ph) – (ph) stands for Phone.

What does F stand for in phone numbers?

facsimile line

What does CM stand for?

Acronym Definition
cm Centimeter
cm Clinical Modification
cm Commercial
cm Center of Mass

What is a CM in a company?

Dictionary of Accounting Terms for: Contribution Margin (CM) Contribution Margin (CM) difference between sales and the variable costs of the product or service, also called marginal income. It is the amount of money available to cover fixed costs and generate profits.

What does CM mean in sales?

Contribution margin

What does CM mean in texting Spanish?

Most Common Spanish Texting Lingo

Spanish Text Spanish Meaning English Meaning
Cm Como/ ¿Cómo? Like/ How
Dcr Decir Say/ Tell
Dim Díme Tell me
Dnd Donde/ ¿Dónde? Where

What does x2 mean in texting?


What word is laughter?

noun. the action or sound of laughing. an inner quality, mood, disposition, etc., suggestive of laughter; mirthfulness: a man of laughter and goodwill. an expression or appearance of merriment or amusement.

How do you spell the sound of laughter?

The basic expression of laughter is ha, though this onomatopoeic word can also express derision, especially when followed by an exclamation point, so writers should take care to provide context to clarify whether the word indicates amusement or ridicule.

How do I talk to my parents?

Here are 7 tips:

  1. Recognize that your parents are there to help.
  2. Try easing into conversations.
  3. Listen to your parents and ask them to really listen to what you have to say too.
  4. Know how you feel first, and let your parents know too.
  5. Be confident, clear, and direct.
  6. Think about talking to another trusted adult.