Does m1v1 m2v2 have to be in liters?

Does m1v1 m2v2 have to be in liters?

it doesnt matter when its in ml and L. If both of V have the same unit, you can cancel their units out. You have to convert when they give you different unit for V, for example: V1 = x ml, V2= y (L).

Why does the dilution formula work?

Dilution is the addition of solvent, which decreases the concentration of the solute in the solution. Concentration is the removal of solvent, which increases the concentration of the solute in the solution. as the dilution equation. The volumes must be expressed in the same units.

What is the dilution factor formula?

Dilution factor is defined as: total volume of solution per aliquot volume. Where total volume of solution is: 10.0 + 240.0 = 250.0 mL (volumetric flask.) Note: For multiple dilutions the dilution factor is the product of the dilution factors for each individual dilution.

How do you perform a dilution?

To make a dilution series, use the following formulas:

  1. Move Volume = Final Volume / (DF -1)
  2. Diluent Volume = Final Volume – Move Volume.
  3. Total Mixing Volume = Diluent Volume + Move Volume.
  4. Example 1: Make a 7-point 1:3 standard curve, starting Neat, such that you can pipette duplicates of 50 μL per well.
  5. Calculations:

How do you calculate a 4 1 ratio?

If your mix ratio is 4:1 or 4 parts water to 1 part solution, there are (4 + 1) or 5 parts. The mixing percentage is 20% (1 divided by 5).

What is a Turbidostat used for?

The turbidostat is a continuous culture device in which the population density of an organism (or its food) is held constant, and the specific growth rate (r) of the population becomes a dependent variable. Turbidostat cultures are powerful tools for assessing biological limits on population growth.

Which method is used for synchronous growth?


What is the difference between Chemostat and Turbidostat?

A chemostat refers to a system in which the chemical composition is kept at a controlled level for the culture of microorganisms while a turbidostat refers to a continuous microbiological culture device, which has feedback between the turbidity of the culture vessel and the dilution rate.

What do you mean by Turbidostat?

A turbidostat is a continuous microbiological culture device, similar to a chemostat or an auxostat, which has feedback between the turbidity of the culture vessel and the dilution rate. The morbidostat is a similar device built to study the evolution of antimicrobial resistance.

What is continuous culture?

Continuous culture is a set of techniques used to reproducibly cultivate microorganisms at submaximal growth rates at different growth limitations in such a way that the culture conditions remain virtually constant (in ‘steady state’) over extended periods of time.

Which growth phase is longer in continuous culture?

Exponential phase

What is the dilution rate D?

The dilution rate (D), usually in units per hour (h−1), describes the relationship between the flow of medium into the bioreactor (F), that can be expressed in L·h−1, and culture volume within the bioreactor (V) in L.

What is the use of Chemostat?

The chemostat is often used to gather steady state data about an organism in order to generate a mathematical model relating to its metabolic processes. Chemostats are also used as microcosms in ecology and evolutionary biology.

What is washout in reactor system?

Abstract. A biochemical reacting system schematized by the diffusion model and Monod’s kinetics is considered. Due to the autocatalytic nature of the system, operating conditions can be encountered for which growth cannot be sustained (the so-called “washout”).

What do you understand by dilution of culture?

An important tool to investigate bacterial communities is the most probable number (MPN) technique. Dilution Culture is suitable to use for cultivation of bacteria from natural aquatic samples. Cultures are diluted in two fold steps from the original samples to nearly extinction in sterile seawater depending on source.