Does General Grievous have lungs?

Does General Grievous have lungs?

Grievous’s armor and synthskin gut-sack protected his remaining vital organs, but his organic lungs were irritated by their implants. This gave Grievous a persistent cough for the rest of his life.

What were Padme’s last words?

Her last words were: “My babies… are they black?” “I know this still”, but that’s it.

Can Darth Vader cry?

Yes, he did. In Revenge of the Sith, Darth Vader cried because he realized that the woman he loves, Padme, doesn’t “love” Vader, but rather she loves the good person, the hero of the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker. Because Vader felt remorse, he was crying.

Can Darth Vader laugh?

According to canon, Vader doesn’t laugh. He’s not above making dad jokes, but he doesn’t even crack a chuckle at his own antics. Vader does not laugh with him.

Why did Padme start crying?

According to Wookieepedia, Padmé was unaware of the true circumstances, but was upset because she clearly could see the Jedi Temple burning in the distance and knew Anakin was suppose to be at the Temple. Skywalker, seeing Sidious as the only way to save his wife, pledged himself to the dark side.

Was Darth Vader depressed?

Vader was severely depressed he hated himself, he hated the Jedi, he hated the Emperor, and he (debatably) hated Obi-Wan more than himself. The only respite Vader had was when Luke entered his life it was the only time he felt hope in many years.

Did Vader have PTSD?

Yes, he definitely had PTSD, and quite a bad case to. After he had been Darth Vader for a while though, his PTSD disappeared. He was immerged in the Dark Side, and it helped him finally detach from everything that had happened. He became a Sith, and Sith don’t get PTSD.

What personality type is Darth Vader?


What type of villain is Darth Vader?

He’s a high-ranking Jedi Knight-turned-powerful Sith Lord in service to the Galactic Empire, the former Jedi Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the former master of Ahsoka Tano, the third and final Sith Apprentice of Darth Sidious (after Darth Maul and Count Dooku) and the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the main …

Why doesn’t Darth Vader know Leia is his daughter?

Vader did not sense the force in Leia because at that time she had no awareness of it herself. She had no training in the force. She had never used it. The short answer is that creator George Lucas had no idea Leia would end up becoming Darth Vader’s daughter.

Does Darth Vader ever find out Leia is his daughter?

Vader also told Grand Moff Tarvin “her resistance against the mind probe was considerable”. But didn’t realise even then she was his daughter. Even Lucas didn’t know what was happening or he wouldn’t have had Luke & Leia smooching in ESB.