Does exceptional mean good?

Does exceptional mean good?

exceptional | Intermediate English Exceptional also means unusually good: Davis has done an exceptional job of reporting.

What is exceptional person?

The definition of exceptional is someone or something that is high above average or someone who needs special educational help because of mental or physical challenges. An example of exceptional is an IQ of 140. An example of exceptional is a mentally handicapped child who needs a tutor.

What does exceptional quality mean?

adjective. You use exceptional to describe someone or something that has a particular quality, usually a good quality, to an unusually high degree.

What is exceptional service?

Exceptional customer service is the unconditional commitment to giving the highest level of product or service to every person, regardless of the circumstances. It doesn’t matter if the customer is at fault for the issue. It doesn’t matter if it’s a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

What is exceptional condition?

An exceptional condition is something that is expected to occur infrequently, and does not fit into the usual pattern. More often than not the condition is detected in a piece of code that cannot properly deal with the condition, because the context in which it has been detected is inappropriate.

What is a better word for exceptional?

What is another word for exceptional?

extraordinary rare
anomalous peculiar
strange unprecedented
aberrant unique
inconsistent deviant

What is exceptional performance?

Performance consistently or far exceeded expectations. Fully Achieved Expectations. Fully achieved and at times may have exceeded expectations.

What is exceptional progress?

adj of great importance; momentous.

How do you say someone is exceptional?

Exceptional synonyms

  1. remarkable. Worthy of remark or notice.
  2. uncommon. Strange; remarkable; extraordinary.
  3. unprodigious (antonym) excellent, wonderful.
  4. rare. Excellent; extraordinary:
  5. extraordinary. Employed or used for a special service, function, or occasion:
  6. prodigious. Of great size, power, extent, etc.; enormous; huge.
  7. special.
  8. outstanding.

What does exceptional mean in school?

Exceptional students are those who fall outside of the normal range of development. Special Education. Special education is a service provided to students with educational disabilities.

What is the opposite of exceptional?

exceptional. Antonyms: common, regular, normal, usual, ordinary. Synonyms: rare, peculiar, uncommon, irregular, unusual, abnormal.

What is the same as compassionate?

Frequently Asked Questions About compassion Some common synonyms of compassion are commiseration, condolence, pity, and sympathy. While all these words mean “the act or capacity for sharing the painful feelings of another,” compassion implies pity coupled with an urgent desire to aid or to spare.

What are some words that describe compassion?


  • benevolence.
  • empathy.
  • humanity.
  • kindness.
  • mercy.
  • sorrow.
  • sympathy.
  • tenderness.

What’s a word for empathy?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for empathy, like: compassion, sympathy, insight, understanding, love, caring, commiseration, sensitivity, understand, vicarious emotion and pity.

Does exceptional mean good?

Does exceptional mean good?

forming an exception or rare instance; unusual; extraordinary: The warm weather was exceptional for January. unusually excellent; superior: an exceptional violinist. being intellectually gifted.

What does it mean when someone says your exceptional?

(ɪksɛpʃənəl ) adjective. You use exceptional to describe someone or something that has a particular quality, usually a good quality, to an unusually high degree.

Is exceptional good or bad?

Of the adjectives, extraordinary is the one most often used for neutral or bad connotations while outstanding (in the sense mentioned in the OP) and exceptional are indeed almost always positive in the absence of qualifiers. Extraordinary on the other hand, is really quite often used negatively.

How do you say someone is exceptional?

Exceptional synonyms

  1. remarkable. Worthy of remark or notice.
  2. uncommon. Strange; remarkable; extraordinary.
  3. unprodigious (antonym) excellent, wonderful.
  4. rare. Excellent; extraordinary:
  5. extraordinary. Employed or used for a special service, function, or occasion:
  6. prodigious.
  7. special.
  8. outstanding.

What are exceptional skills?

adj. 1 forming an exception; not ordinary. 2 having much more than average intelligence, ability, or skill.

What does exceptional woman mean?

1 forming an exception; not ordinary. 2 having much more than average intelligence, ability, or skill. ♦ exceptionally adv. career woman n. an ambitious woman who thinks her career really matters more than many things and is not willing to compromise on it.

What is exceptional work?

An exceptional employee will show high levels of dedication, resourcefulness, team building and will be commendable. A good worker is nothing to complain about, but an exceptional worker is something to be proud of. An exceptional worker will always strive to better themselves.

What is better exceptional or excellent?

As adjectives the difference between exceptional and excellent. is that exceptional is forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare while excellent is of the highest quality; splendid.

What’s better great or excellent?

As adjectives the difference between great and excellent is that great is very big, large scale while excellent is of the highest quality; splendid.

What are three synonyms for exceptional?

synonyms for exceptional

  • notable.
  • noteworthy.
  • phenomenal.
  • rare.
  • remarkable.
  • singular.
  • unheard-of.
  • unusual.

What are the good skills in job?

The top ten skills graduate recruiters want

  • Commercial awareness (or business acumen) This is about knowing how a business or industry works and what makes a company tick.
  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Negotiation and persuasion.
  • Problem solving.
  • Leadership.
  • Organisation.
  • Perseverance and motivation.

What makes an exceptional leader?

Exceptional leaders exude positivity and confidence as they inspire their employees to be excellent. Great leaders do their best to minimize mistakes. Exceptional leaders are accountable to the performance, good or bad, of each of their employees (and are quick to praise the good).

What is exceptional progress?

adj of great importance; momentous.

How do you use exceptional in a sentence?

Exceptional sentence example

  1. He knows there is someone or something out there that has weird and exceptional abilities.
  2. He is such an exceptional boy.
  3. Even an exceptional salesperson has an imperfect memory.

What is difference between excellent and exceptional?

What makes someone an exceptional employee?

Exceptional employees don’t let problems linger or say “that’s the way it’s always been” when something isn’t right. Instead, these employees look for new solutions and ways to improve processes. They also put numbers around each problem so they can quantify the issue.

Is good better than excellent?

As adverbs the difference between good and excellent is that good is (nonstandard) well; satisfactorily or thoroughly while excellent is (obsolete) excellently.

What is better exceptional or extraordinary?

As adjectives the difference between exceptional and extraordinary. is that exceptional is forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare while extraordinary is not ordinary; exceptional; unusual;.

What’s a fancy word for good?

OTHER WORDS FOR good 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright. 2 adequate. 3 outstanding, admirable.