Does bleach kill black mold on concrete?

Does bleach kill black mold on concrete?

The best solution is to scrub and clean the affected areas with a mold-killing detergent or a simple solution of household bleach and water. Be sure to scrub aggressively to get down into the pores of the concrete. Let the detergent or bleach solution soak in for a while to ensure that all the mold is killed.

Which vinegar is best for odors?

A common ingredient in many green cleaning recipes, vinegar is an inexpensive and versatile household item that contains acetic acid. Use white vinegar to get rid of smells on various surfaces in the home. White vinegar will eliminate odors associated with smoke, pets, cooking and other difficult-to-remove smells.

Is yellow mold dangerous?

As with all mold, various strains of yellow mold can be hazardous to your health. You or your family may experience allergic reactions, illness or you may even be poisoned by toxins created by certain types of mold.

What kills yellow mold?

Bleach and vinegar can both kill mold, but vinegar is much more effective for removing mold from porous materials. This is because bleach only kills mold spores on the surface of affected materials. Vinegar will penetrate porous materials and kill the mold at the roots.

How do you get rid of yellow slime mold?

Slime molds thrive where conditions are moist, so the easiest way to remove it is to let the area dry out. Rake up slime molds in garden mulch to expose the organism to drying air. You can also just scrape up the stuff, but likely it will be back.

Can slime mold make you sick?

This species is not known to cause sickness in humans, although the many dusty spores can irritate people with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions. Although it can be unsightly in a flower garden, it is fairly impossible to get rid of this slime mold.

Does anything eat slime mold?

They are eaten by many small animals (there are little, shiny, brown beetles apparently feeding – and cavorting – in the pink slime mold), and some are said to be edible by humans.

Why is slime mold not a fungus?

The plasmodium ingests bacteria, fungal spores, and maybe other smaller protozoa. Their ingestion of food is one reason slime molds are not considered to be fungi. Fungi produce enzymes that break down organic matter into chemicals that are absorbed through their cell walls, not ingested.

What is a fun fact about slime mold?

Some slime molds take odd shapes and have names that match- like ‘dog vomit’ and ‘bird poop. ‘ Slime molds reproduce by releasing their version of seeds, called spores. When you see slime mold in your yard or on a tree trunk, it’s really lots of slime molds coming together, like a transformer or a lego ship.