
Does 1800contacts verify your prescription?

Does 1800contacts verify your prescription?

By law, we have to verify your prescription to make sure the contacts we’re sending out are correct. When you send in your prescription, we can use it to verify your order in minutes and ship your contacts out right away.

How long does 1800contacts take to verify prescription?

48 hours

Can I use my 1800 contacts prescription elsewhere?

It’s a real vision exam and your results are reviewed by a board-certified ophthalmologist licensed in your state. If appropriate, they’ll issue you a valid prescription you can use to buy contact lenses anywhere in the United States. It does not take the place of a regular comprehensive eye exam.

Can you convert a contact prescription to glasses?

Need to convert your contact lens prescription to glasses? It’s very simple to do. First note that below -3.50 diopters you don’t need to make any changes to the diopters between glasses and contact lenses. So a -4.00 glasses prescription is roughly equal to a -3.75 contact lens prescription.

Why are my glasses and contact prescriptions the same?

Your Two Different Prescriptions However, contacts and glasses prescriptions are actually slightly different because of their distance from your eyes. Eyeglass lenses are placed approximately 12 millimeters away from your eyes, while contact lenses sit directly on your corneas.

Can you wear contacts with a weaker prescription?

Wearing lenses that are weaker than prescribed ones can lead to dryness of your eyes resulting in itching and inflammation. Although for shorter durations and for doing work that requires less focus, wearing lenses with lower power won’t affect it that much.

What happens if you wear contacts with the wrong prescription?

One of the most common effects of wearing the wrong contact lens prescription is blurry vision. Since contacts are meant to improve vision, the wrong prescription will typically cause impairment in a person’s vision, says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

What happens if my contacts are too strong?

Wearing glasses that are too strong or otherwise wrong for the eyes cannot harm an adult – although it might result in a temporary headache. At worse, the glasses will fail to correct vision and make the wearer uncomfortable because of blurriness.

How do I know if my contact prescription is wrong?

Here are a few signs that you may need a new contact lens prescription:

  1. Discomfort: Burning, stinginging or itching eyes may mean you have a contact lens prescription that is off.
  2. Impaired Vision: Reduced sharpness or blurriness can be signs that you need a new prescription.

How do I know if my contact prescription is too strong?

3 Ways to Tell If You Are Wearing the Wrong Prescription

  1. Vertigo or Nausea. One of the biggest symptoms that patients experience when they have the wrong prescription is extreme vertigo or nausea.
  2. Headaches.
  3. Blurred Vision.

Why do my contacts get smudges?

Protein buildup is a common problem with soft and hard contact lenses. Buildup can usually be seen in the form of white or cloudy marks on the surface of the contact lens, which causes blurred vision and discomfort. With proper care and use of contact lenses, protein buildup can be controlled.

Why are my contacts blurry up close?

A: Sometimes blurry vision up close in a young contact lens wearer is simply caused by dry eyes. And if your eyes get dry when wearing toric soft contacts for astigmatism, this can cause the lenses to rotate out of alignment when looking at things up close, causing focusing problems.

Are glasses or contacts better for astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an irregular cornea shape that distorts vision. Many people think only glasses can correct astigmatism, but contact lenses do as well. GP contacts are often preferred for correcting astigmatism because they hold their shape, thereby retaining the proper visual correction, better than soft lenses.