Do you put a comma after Inc?

Do you put a comma after Inc?

Commas are not required with Inc., Ltd., and such as part of a company’s name. A particular company may use such commas in its corporate documentation; articles and books about such companies, however, should generally opt for a consistent style rather than make exceptions for particular cases.

How do you punctuate Inc in a sentence?

If the company so named, however, clearly prefers a comma between its name and the word “Inc.,” you should use that comma, and you should set off “Inc.” as a parenthetical element (commas before and after it) when it appears in the middle of running text (as in your sentence, above).

Do you put two periods after etc?

Answer: Generally, in American English, if “etc.” is used in the middle of a sentence, it is followed by a comma. However, if the word “etc.” appears at the end of a sentence then the period (which is part of “etc.”) serves as the final punctuation mark.

Is there a period after parentheses?

Periods and Parentheses When a complete, independent sentence is entirely enclosed by parentheses, the period goes inside the closing parenthesis.

Does period go in or out of quotation marks?

Punctuating Around Quotation Marks

Punctuation mark In relation to closing quotation mark, place it… Notes
Period Inside
Comma Inside
Parentheses Outside See more examples of how to cite direct quotations here.
Semi-colon Outside

Do periods go inside quotations?

Quotation marks and adjacent punctuation Commas and periods that are part of the overall sentence go inside the quotation marks, even though they aren’t part of the original quotation.

Which comes first braces or brackets?

In mathematics, they are mostly used for order of operations. The innermost parentheses are calculated first, followed by the brackets that form the next layer outwards, followed by braces that form a third layer outwards.

What are curly brackets used for?

Curly brackets More commonly, they are used to indicate a group of lines that should be taken together, such as in when referring to several lines of poetry that should be repeated.

Should ellipses be in brackets?

ELLIPSIS. You also don’t need to use the ellipsis at the end of a quote unless you are omitting words from the end of a multi-sentence quote. Use brackets around the ellipsis in this case, to show that the mark itself is not a part of the original sentence.

How do you make a long dash on Windows?

On Windows it’s… less simple: you need to use an alt code to get an em dash. If you have a numeric keyboard, hold down the Alt key and type 0151 for an em dash or 0150 for an en dash.

How do you type a minus sign on a keyboard?

Pressing the – on your keyboard, usually next to the 0 (zero) key, will produce a hyphen-minus.

What is the DASH sign?

Alternatively known as a dash, subtract, negative, or minus sign, the hyphen ( – ) is a punctuation mark on the underscore key next to the “0” key on US keyboards. Pictured is an example of the hyphen and underscore key on top of the keyboard. Keyboard help and support.

What does a plus sign look like?

The plus sign, +, is a binary operator that indicates addition, as in 2 + 3 = 5. It can also serve as a unary operator that leaves its operand unchanged (+x means the same as x).

What does a plus sign after a number mean?

A plus sign is the sign + that is put between two numbers in order to show that the second number is being added to the first. It can also be put before a number to show that the number is greater than zero (+3), and after a number to indicate a number that is more than a minimum number or amount (18+).