
Do you need antifire with DFS?

Do you need antifire with DFS?

Yes. Bring anti-fire pots if you happen to use the anti-fire shield. If you bring a DFS don’t worry about the anti-fire pots.

How long does Super antifire last?

6 minutes

Do you need extended Super antifire for Vorkath?

you dont NEED superior antifire. superior antifire reduces the dragonfire from like a 0-10 roll to a 0.

How do you make Super antifire Osrs?

It can be made by a player with 92 Herblore by adding crushed superior dragon bones to an antifire potion, which grants 130 Herblore experience. With 98 Herblore, the super antifire potion can be upgraded to an extended super antifire with lava scale shards.

Is Zulrah better than Vorkath?

The general rule of thumb is Zulrah beats vorkath over time and is more consistent. You can pretty much count on getting Zulrah’s big ticket items since they are 1/128, you can do thousands of Vorkath kills and never see the visage.

Does Zulrah hit through prayer?

Currently Zulrah hits through prayer on all forms, unlike osrs you can’t eliminate damage from any style (for example on osrs if you are praying mage on the blue ‘jad’ form, only the range attack would hit you) It would be nice for it to be the same/as close to if possible.

Is Zulrah easier than Jad?

In theory Jad is easier since you only have to do 2 things, pray-change and kill the healers. While Zulrah is pray-change, memorize locations, keep track of what phase you are in,… Imo Zulrah is harder to learn because you need to memorize where to stand during phases.

How do you mark Zulrah tiles?

If you’re on the runelite client, you can mark the tiles on the island by using shift right-click.

How do I get to Zulrah?

Zul-Andra can be reached in several ways:

  1. Using the Zul-andra teleport scroll, which is the fastest way of getting there.
  2. Using fairy ring code bjs, tread on stepping stones (requiring 76 Agility), and walking east.
  3. Using a charter ship to sail to Port Tyras, then walking south.

Is it worth using Zul Andra teleports?

Tl/dr: At 7k per teleport, you should use the tele instead of the ring. It’s simple, if you value your time more than 1m/hr, then the teles are worth using. If less, then don’t.

Do you need 76 agility for Zulrah?

Zulrah is located at a shrine east of Zul-Andra. using the fairy ring code BJS to the small island west of Zul-Andra, and then leaping across the stepping stones (requires 76 Agility, can be boosted)