
Do American Girl dolls have a warranty?

Do American Girl dolls have a warranty?

Our Guarantee We hope that you and your girl love your purchase from American Girl. If for any reason you don’t, we’ll try to find a way to make it right with an exchange, merchandise credit, or refund within two years of purchase.

Can American Girl dolls be repaired?

Dolls cannot be repaired on site at American Girl Place; when submitted at a store location, it is the same as sending from home.

How much does it cost to take your American Girl doll to the hospital?

For a new head or body, ship all old pieces. Cost for either as of 2009 is $39.

Are Wellie wishers being discontinued?

The Bitty Twins were the same size as the Bitty Baby dolls. They were discontinued in June 2016. The line was released on June 23, 2016. The names of the Wellie Wishers are: Willa, Camille, Kendall, Emerson, and Ashlyn.

What American Girl dolls are discontinued?

Retired Dolls

  • Kirsten Larson (doll)
  • Felicity Merriman (doll)
  • Ivy Ling (doll)
  • Grace Thomas (doll)

Are my American Girl dolls worth anything?

Some ’90s toys have plummeted in value since the height of their craze (see: most Beanie Babies), but American Girl dolls are an exception. A Molly doll also recently sold for $1,200 on eBay, and a Kirsten doll with outfits and accessories recently fetched $540.

When should I give my daughter American Girl doll?

These dolls are so cute. The standard American Girl dolls are recommended for ages 8 and up. Wellie Wishers, named for their colorful boots, are for the younger set, between ages 5-7. They are much smaller and have a plastic body and the eyes do not open and close.

How much do old American Girl dolls sell for?

The nuts and bolts of selling your American Girl doll Though an original Molly did sell for $3,000 as mentioned above, a pre-owned Molly from 1986 recently sold for just $360 —still a profit, but significantly smaller.

What do you do if your American Girl doll gets wet?

If Your Doll Gets Wet

  1. When I pulled her out, she was dripping.
  2. The first thing to do is pull your doll’s clothes off and put them aside.
  3. Next, run some clean water in a sink or bath and add some mild shampoo.
  4. Rinse your doll’s hair, but don’t wash it just yet.

Can you use a regular brush on American Girl dolls?

Always use a wire wig brush on your doll’s hair. Never use a comb or plastic-bristle brush, which can snag or frizz hair. Before you begin to brush or style your doll’s hair, make sure you have a firm hold on your doll by sitting her between your legs or having someone hold her while you brush.

Is American Girl doll made in China?

American Girls are all made in China. They aren’t all that American at all. American Girl dolls are also very expensive- 115 dollars a doll without any accessories. When a product made with cheap labor is this pricey, it’s worth it to us to ask where the rest of that money goes to.

How much did American Girl dolls cost 1986?

In 1986, an 18-inch-tall American Girl doll was $68 with a paperback book and $75 with a hardcover book.

Can you straighten American Girl doll hair?

For best styling results, lightly mist your doll’s hair with water as needed before you brush or pick it. Never use a blow dryer, a curling iron, hot rollers, or a straightening iron on your doll’s wig. The fibers are made of a special acrylic and any heat source can dry, stiffen, frizz, or even melt them.

Can you brush American Girl doll hair curly?

To take the best care of your doll’s curly hair, buy a hair pick such as the American Girl Sparkly Hair Pick. Then, get a small spray bottle to fill with water. Don’t use a brush on your doll’s curly hair, since it can make the hair frizzy.

Can I wash my American Girl doll’s hair?

Can you wash an American Girl doll’s hair? Yes, but make sure you cover the doll’s face and body with plastic so she doesn’t get wet. Make sure the hair is down, take out any clips or hair ties, and undo any braids or twists. Hold the doll’s hair under a faucet and use a mild shampoo to wash it.

Can you dye a Barbie’s hair?

If you want to give Barbie a makeover, there are numerous methods to dye her hair vibrant and funky colors. But the technique that works the best is food coloring. Adults or children under adult supervision should be the only ones dying Barbie’s hair as the methods can stain hands and could get messy.

What happens if you dye synthetic hair?

Under the influence of the chemical, synthetic strands simply «burn out.» Changing the color of synthetic hair with chemical dyes is harmful and dangerous for them — they will become very fragile and entirely unsuitable for further use.

Can you use Rit dye on synthetic hair?

These dyes are intended for cottons and other natural materials. Some colors will work for synthetic wig dyeing, but for a more reliable color we recommend Rit DyeMore Synthetics or Jacquard iDye Poly. Remember, synthetic wigs are not like real hair, you cannot go from a darker color to a lighter one!

Can you tone synthetic hair?

Toning fake hair to match blonde, silver or pastel hair When you’re toning fake hair, it doesn’t have to be a perfect match. It just needs blend because your own hair will be incorporated into the look. You can do color all over or just put in a few streaks.