
Did they use a real tiger in the hangover?

Did they use a real tiger in the hangover?

Ed Helms’ and Zach Galifianakis’ songs (“Stu’s Song” and “Three Best Friends”, respectively) were improvised. In real life, Mike Tyson owns seven tigers. A real taser was originally going to be used in the taser scene, but lawyers from Warner Brothers demanded that the crew use a prop.

Will there ever be a hangover 4?

The studio’s thoughts aside, the most important question is whether director Todd Phillips and the original cast would return to make The Hangover 4. As far as Ed Helms is concerned, the answer is a resounding “no,” and he’s been pretty clear that he’s done with the series over the years.

How does Hangover 3 end?

However, at the end of the film, Alan gets married and the very last scene is of a hangover where Stu wakes up with breast implants, Phil wakes up in a wedding dress, and Alan remembers that the wedding cake was a gift from Chow.

Will there be a hangover 3?

The Hangover Part III is a 2013 American crime comedy film and the sequel to The Hangover Part II (2011), produced by Legendary Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is the third and final installment in The Hangover trilogy.

Who did Alan marry Hangover 3?


What drug is in Hangover 2?

After Phil is treated at a clinic, Alan confesses that he had drugged some of the marshmallows from the previous night with muscle relaxers and ADHD medication in order to sedate Teddy, as he feared the others were going to replace him with Teddy, but accidentally mixed up the bags when Phil nearly sat on them.

Which hangover is in Thailand?

If you are looking to create your own “Hangover” night to forget, here’s the insider’s guide to the film’s Thailand locations and characters. Don’t worry, we left out the spoilers. The Phulay Bay Resort and Krabi Ritz Carlton are featured in “The Hangover Part II.”

What does Mr Chow say in hangover?

Now, give me money

What is Leslie chows real name?

Ken Jeong

Was the giraffe in Hangover 3 real?

Real Giraffe Dies After Hitting Head on Overpass — Just Like ‘Hangover 3′ Hollywood thought it would be funny to use an age-old tasteless gag as part of the second sequel to The Hangover movie. But now it’s actually happened in real life. (Photo is from scene in The Hangover III- movie still via YouTube).

Which hangover has the giraffe?

The Hangover Part III

How much did the actors make in hangover?

For the second Hangover, the four actors held out for $5 million base salaries plus 4% of the gross, each. Todd Phillips negotiated a $10 million salary and 10% of the gross. When the second Hangover earned $586 million, each actor’s took home $28.44 million. Todd Phillips made $68 million.

Which Hangover movie has the giraffe?