Could not have meaning?

Could not have meaning?

Could not have means that something was impossible in the past. For example: She could not have been on that flight because I just saw her at work.

Could not have had meaning?

When couldn’t have is used as a past conditional, can’t have can not be substituted, in any style: The team could not/ couldn’t [not can’t] have won the game if they had not trained so intensively. I could not/ couldn’t [not can’t] have passed the course without your help.

Can have VS could have?

Gillian can have her friends over after school. I can have a whole bottle of wine with my dinner if I so desire. It implies permission or ability. Could have implies the same thing except that the opportunity is not immediate or is based on a contingency, or that the statement is contrary to actual fact.

Could not have been better meaning?

While “couldn’t have been better” is used to describe an extreme emotion (the best it could have possibly been), “could have been better” is used to describe something that was mediocre, but not terrible. For example, “The cake tasted fine, but it could have been better.”

What does never been happier mean?

“I have never been happier” = I have never been more happy than I am now. / I am more happy now than in any other. time in my whole life. Maybe I have been happy before, but my happiness now is the greatest happiness that I have ever. experienced in my whole life.

Could it be worse meaning?

1. used for saying that a situation is better than it might have been, although it is still bad. Could be worse. At least you didn’t lose any money.

What to say instead of it could be worse?

‘It Could Be Worse’ Alternatives to Say When Someone’s Sick

  • “I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well.”
  • “I’m glad you have a strong support system.”
  • “I hope you feel better soon!”
  • “You’ve got this!”
  • “One day at a time!”
  • “I’m praying for you.”
  • “I’m sorry for your loss.”
  • “I know you must be hurting. I am so sorry.”

Could not be better meaning?

(One’s wellbeing or the state of something) is perfect, exactly as desired, or better than expected. A: “How are you?” B: “Oh, couldn’t be better!

Is good better than well?

Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action. If you’re having a good day, then your day is going well. Did you do good on your exams?

What’s another word for hard worker?


  • active.
  • busy.
  • determined.
  • diligent.
  • hard-working.
  • industrious.
  • laborious.
  • persevering.

What is an example of hard working?

The definition of hardworking is a term used to describe a person or thing that is diligent or zealous at completing a task. A person who holds down two jobs to work his way through college is an example of someone who would be described as hardworking.