Can you teach yourself transcendental meditation?

Can you teach yourself transcendental meditation?

Can You Teach Yourself Transcendental Meditation? The teachers themselves openly state that you can do T.M. on your own. If you tried mindfulness meditation, and simply want to try T.M. to experience first hand the difference between the two, there is no need to take a course.

How can I practice TM for free?

How to Do Transcendental Meditation

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the ground and hands in your lap.
  2. Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to relax the body.
  3. Open your eyes, and then close them again.
  4. Repeat a mantra in your mind.
  5. When you recognize you’re having a thought, simply return to the mantra.

Is Transcendental Meditation a con?

It is a scam in many ways. It’s just a basic mantra practice. It only takes a minimum of effort, other than the cost and the initiation into the Hindu goddess mantra. Some people get bad side effects from TM, that’s why I recommend SSRS’s version taught in the Art of Life: it’s more balanced and effective.

Is tm worth the money?

Yes, it is absolutely worth the price and much more. The Transcendental Meditation technique is effortless and you begin to enjoy benefits right away. There are specific, instructions which you get from a Certified TM teacher.

How do I choose a transcendental meditation mantra?

Search for positivity and balance in whichever mantra you choose, and don’t tie too much attachment to its meaning. Focus on the sound it makes when it leaves your mouth. Whatever grounds you and brings you back to the present is what will serve you best.

What are some good mantras for meditation?


  • Aum or the Om. Pronounced ‘Ohm’.
  • Om Namah Shivaya. The translation is ‘I bow to Shiva’.
  • Hare Krishna.
  • I am that I am.
  • Aham-Prema.
  • Ho’oponopono.
  • Om Mani Padme Hum.
  • Buddho.