
Can you range Elvarg?

Can you range Elvarg?

Attack speed She is the dragon that players have to kill in the Dragon Slayer quest in the dungeon below Crandor. Unlike other chromatic dragons, Elvarg has a ranged dragonfire attack. She can be fought in the Nightmare Zone after the quest is complete.

Can you kill Elvarg more than once?

Well, since you haven’t defeated her, yes. Just get everything required to fight/get to her, and just fight her again. But after you finish Dragon Slayer, you can’t fight her again.

How do I get back to Crandor after Dragon Slayer?

Entrance. Crandor can only be accessed by boat after asking Ned to bring you to Crandor during the Dragon Slayer quest. After the quest, use the tunnel inside the east Karamja Dungeon. You walk to the volcano near to the fishing spot and then you come down in a dungeon.

How do you get to karamja dungeon Osrs?

The dungeon can be reached by sailing from East Ardougne to Brimhaven, for a fee of 30 coins or for free when using the Ring of charos. Another sea route can be taken from Port Sarim to Musa Point, again requiring 30 coins or the Ring of charos for a free trip.

Where do you unlock karamja jam?

Karamja Jam is a music track that is unlocked in Brimhaven Dungeon, in the areas with red dragons, black demons, or metal dragons. However you will need either 36 woodcutting or 83 agility to access one of these areas.

How do you get to Crandor Osrs?

Entrance. Crandor can only be accessed by boat after asking Ned to bring you to Crandor during the Dragon Slayer I quest. After the quest, use the tunnel inside the east Karamja Dungeon. You walk to the volcano near to the fishing spot and then you come down in a dungeon.

What do Moss Giants drop?

Moss giants are large, humanoid creatures found in areas that are tied to nature. Moss giants are very commonly trained on, since their Defence level is rather low in comparison to other monsters of the same combat level. It can drop the mossy key, which is required to fight the moss giant boss Bryophyta.

How much is an onyx in TokKul?

It can be purchased from TzHaar-Hur-Lek’s Ore and Gem Store for 300,000 Tokkul (or 260,000 with the Karamja gloves 1 or better) or received as a rare drop from Zulrah, Skotizo or Tekton.

How do you get seaweed in Spore?


  1. They may randomly appear when diving in shallow water within the underwater area beneath Fossil Island.
  2. They can be obtained from ammonite crabs, lobstrosities and Fossil Island Wyverns.
  3. They can be purchased from Mairin’s Market in exchange for 20 mermaid’s tears per spore.

How often do seaweed spores spawn?

1-3 seaweed spores can spawn, and they will despawn in 30 seconds. Like marks of grace, they appear individually for each player.

What can I sell Tokkul?

Selling items It is mainly most effective to sell runes at TzHaar-Mej-Roh’s Rune Store, as well as Tzhaar-ket-oms at TzHaar-Hur-Tel’s Equipment Store or uncut gems at TzHaar-Hur-Lek’s Ore and Gem Store. The TzHaar stores buy back items for approximately 10-20% of the store selling price.