Can you plant Reggie seeds?

Can you plant Reggie seeds?

About Reggie seeds Reggie will grow into a beautiful cannabis plant with nice buds. Germinate the Reggie seeds and grow it into a nice cannbis plant, with a regular flowering time to be ready. Buying Reggie seeds is not possible at the moment, we will keep you informed as soon as the Reggie seeds are available.

Is bag seeds worth growing?

Though many prefer procuring seeds from a seed bank to increase the likelihood of viability, bag seeds are definitely worth a go, but may not be as fruitful as store-bought seeds. Nevertheless, if you have a few marijuana bag seeds lying around, you should definitely try to sprout them.

Can you grow seeds from a Hermie?

Yes its “possible” but there are too many factors to give you an accurate ratio of female:hermie. It depends on the genetics, how the Hermie seeds were made, if the seeds came from a self pollinated hermie or from a 100% female plant pollinated by a hermie.

How many seeds do you need to grow a plant?

In general, two to three seeds should be planted per hole. Seeds do not have 100% germination rates, so not every seed planted will sprout. Overseeding holes, cells, or pots will help ensure that the number of plants you desire will grow (or more!).

Should I soak my pumpkin seeds before planting?

Most giant pumpkin seeds have a very thick seed coat. You’ll get better germination if you file the edges of the seed. After filing, soak seeds for an hour or two in hot water before planting. These steps help seedlings to emerge easily from within the hard seed coat.

How long does it take for a seed to sprout in soil?

two weeks

What is the fastest seed to sprout?

The fastest germinating seeds include everything in the cabbage family – bok choi, broccoli, kale, cauliflower etc, and lettuce. The slowest seeds to germinate are pepper, eggplant, fennel, celery, which may take 5+ days. The rest such as tomato, beets, chard, squash, onions, will take about 3 days.

Can it be too warm for seeds to germinate?

Germination Temperatures Some seeds are hard to germinate when the weather is hot. Sometimes the temperature is just too high for that seed, sometimes the soil dries out too fast. Some varieties of some crops have better germination at high temperatures than others.

Should I soak seeds before planting?

It is recommended that you only soak most seeds for 12 to 24 hours and no more than 48 hours. After soaking your seeds, they can be planted as directed. The benefit of soaking seeds before planting is that your germination time will be reduced, which means you can have happy, growing plants faster.

Can you put seedlings in direct sunlight?

Initially place seedlings outdoors in a sheltered spot – protected from wind and direct sun. Each day following, expose plants to another 30-60 minutes of filtered sunlight. Work your way up to giving plants direct morning sun, followed last by noon-day sun.

Do vegetable seeds need sunlight to germinate?

Seeds That Need Light to Germinate Some vegetable seeds—mostly very small ones—require light–not darkness–to germinate. The seeds from these plants are usually very small and naturally, drop from spent flowers or drop to the soil in rotting fruits. Seeds that require light to germinate are lettuce and savory.

Which vegetable seeds should be soaked before planting?

In the vegetable garden, this means peas, beans, corn, pumpkins and squash; even chard and beets. Smaller seeds — lettuce, radishes, carrots, and the like — are hard to handle once their soaked and don’t really need it anyway. Flower seed to soak? Sunflower, lupine, sweet pea, nasturtium take well to soaking.

How long does lettuce take to grow from seed?

6 to 8 weeks

How many lettuce seeds do you plant in one hole?

3 seeds

How often do you water lettuce seedlings?

ANSWER: Lettuce should be watered not daily but instead about twice a week, or once every four or five days, for most of its growing period. It will need to be watered lightly but more frequently for the first two weeks after planting, perhaps daily, depending on your climate.

Is it too late to plant lettuce seeds?

Lettuce seeds germinate best in the cooler temperatures of spring or fall. If it’s too hot, they won’t germinate. So, the best time to plant lettuce seeds is as soon as the ground is workable in very early spring, or once the temps start to cool down in late summer or early fall.