
Can you have your phone in OCS?

Can you have your phone in OCS?

Are we authorized to bring cell phones? Candidates are authorized to have cellular phones while at OCS. Use of phones is limited by the training schedule and to certain locations.

Do OCS candidates get weekends off?

Do you get any time off during OCS? You will have MOST weekends or parts of them off.

What do you wear to OCS?


  • 1 wrinkle free polo or collared shirt.
  • 2 white undershirts.
  • 1 pair dress shoes and belt.
  • 2 pair dress socks.
  • 2 pair white wash cloths.
  • 5 pairs underwear or compression shorts.
  • 4-6 pair Thorlo combat boot socks (coyote) Please get yourself good boot socks.

Do they shave your head at OCS?

The OCR (the regs for OCS) said you can’t cut your own hair.

Is it hard to get into Navy OCS?

While it is competitive to earn a spot in OCS, it’s certainly not impossible. Still, the requirements are vague and changes could be different from year to year. In general, though, you’ll need to be a standout candidate. Think of it like college admissions – it’s essentially the same odds.

Can females shave their head in the Army?

Female soldiers will also now be allowed to wear their hair shorter than one-quarter inch, a policy that brings the service in line with regulations at places such as Ranger School, where women attendees must shave their heads like men.

How short can a female’s hair be in the Army?

Under the current policy, female soldiers’ hair cannot be shorter than one-forth of an inch or have braids, twists, locks or cornrows that are wider than half an inch. The new policy removes these restrictions.

What is the warrior breakfast?

Soldiers are being encouraged to start the day with healthier meals to boost them for early morning exercise. The so-called warrior breakfast includes options such as smoothies plus yogurt and fruit – while snacks such as avocado on toast are available afterwards to help with recovery. …