
Can you delete a comment on a Tumblr post?

Can you delete a comment on a Tumblr post?

You can delete or report unwanted replies right from your post’s notes. You can write replies up to 475 characters in length.

How do you delete notes on Tumblr?

Sign in to your account and click the gear icon at the top of the page to edit your settings. In the left column, click to choose the blog where you wish to delete the comment section.

Can I delete someones comment on my Instagram?

On Instagram, you can go back in and delete that comment. But there are limits as to what you have control over. For example, you can delete anyone’s comments on one of your own posts (spammers beware), but you can only delete your own comment on someone else’s post.

How do you delete a comment on Instagram 2019?

To delete a comment on your own post or someone else’s, tap the comment button, then swipe left on your comment. You can then hit the trash can symbol to delete your comment. As for editing, you can edit your comment on your own posts. Just tap the three dots icon on your post, then tap Edit.

Can you not edit Instagram posts anymore?

It’s possible to edit posts on Instagram, even though many other social media apps don’t allow for editing. You can edit an Instagram post to update your caption, tag people, add a location, and change its alt text.

How do you delete all comments you’ve made on Instagram?

To bulk delete comments, follow these steps:

  1. Tap a comment, then tap the dotted icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Manage Comments.
  3. Choose up to 25 comments to delete at once.
  4. Tap Delete, or tap More Options to block or restrict accounts in bulk.

Why do my comments get deleted on Instagram?

So, here is the summary of the reasons why Instagram comments disappeared or show the comments are limited: You are not following the person. The sender has already deleted the comment. The owner limited the comments for close friends. If someone has restricted you, then they will never appear as “Active Now”.

Why can’t I see who liked my comment on Instagram?

Instagram removes ability to see others’ likes, comments, and follows from Activity tab. Instagram is removing a controversial feature that had been in place since 2011, the Following tab in the Activity feed. Now the feed will focus on your own activity.

Why can’t you see all the comments on Instagram?

If you see the Instagram message that comments on this post have been If you cannot see all the comments on Instagram, or you see the numbers but no comments, can be because the person has already deleted the comments, Instagram is only showing the top comments on posts, and you should tap on the comment bar to see the …

Why does Instagram say there are more comments?

It can either be: Instagram has blocked you from posting comments too often or your comment wasn’t posted because of your connection. It is possible your account was shadowbanned. You possibly have had comments or posts reported and removed.

Why can’t I comment on Instagram stories?

In their privacy settings, they have removed getting/receiving comments feature (from other users). That’s why you are not able to comment on their Insta stories.

Why can’t I like or comment on Instagram 2020?

If you’re not able to add a comment, first try updating your app to the latest version. If your Instagram app is up to date, you may be getting an error for another reason. Instagram is down (it’s rare, but you can check here). You are over-engaging (likes, comments, follows, unfollows).

What does it mean if a guy replies to your story?

It might be a sign that he’s into you if he responds to your IG story. You probably don’t want to get excited if he only responds once or twice, but if he always has something to say after you post a story, it could be that he’s just looking for an excuse to talk to you.

How do I let people reply to my story?

Tapping “Story Settings” on the main “Options” screen will bring you to the screen seen here. Under “Story Settings,” you’ll see that Instagram Stories is automatically set to allow “Everyone” to reply to your post.

Can you reply to an Instagram story with a photo?

Starting today, you can reply to stories with a photo or video. To reply with a photo or a video, tap the new camera button while you’re watching a story. You can use any creative tools in the camera, including face filters, stickers and Rewind.

Can you block people from replying to your story?

Instagram provides you an option through which you can who can control who can reply to your Instagram story. By default, anyone who can see your story can reply to it directly with a message. But when you prevent someone from replying on your Instagram story, they won’t see that option from within your story.