
Can you crate train a Weimaraner?

Can you crate train a Weimaraner?

Since Weimaraners grow to be relatively large dogs, you should start with a smaller crate and work your way up to the one your pup will use when he has reached full adult size. Be sure to make his crate as comfy as possible; carpet the floor, put a nice big bed in it, a few new toys, even a blanket.

What size dog fits in a 36 inch crate?

Medium-size kennels are around 36 inches long and can accommodate dogs in the 40- to 70-pound range. Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, and American Eskimo dogs at a normal adult size all fit well in these size kennels. Large-size kennels are around 42 inches long, and can accommodate dogs in the 70- to 90-pound range.

What are the sizes of dog crates?

One size doesn’t fit all

Dog Crate Sizes Length of Crate (Tip: Equal to length of adult dog from nose to tail +2-4 in) Weight
S 24″ 20-30 lbs.
M 30″ 30-40 lbs.
L 36″ 40-70 lbs.
XL 42″ 70-90 lbs.

Are pointers good guard dogs?

According to the breed standard, Pointers are dignified dogs that are never timid with strangers or other dogs. They are also protective of their territory and family. This makes them fabulous watchdogs that will alert you to anything amiss.

What is the best dog for home protection?

7 Best Guard Dog Breeds: Top Dogs For Protection

  1. Rottweiler.
  2. German Shepherd.
  3. Doberman Pinscher.
  4. Bull Mastiffs.
  5. Giant Schnauzer.
  6. Great Pyrenees.
  7. Great Dane.

Can dogs smell your mood?

As it turns out, according to a recent study, dogs can sense our emotions using of all things, their adorable noses. It actually makes perfect sense when you remember that unlike people who typically respond most often to what they see, dogs lead with their noses and respond most often to what they smell.