
Can you Bondo a motorcycle gas tank?

Can you Bondo a motorcycle gas tank?

Sand the bare metal or paint. Bondo can go over the top of paint or primer and will hold, but on bare metal is best. If the dent is huge you really need to pop it out as much as possible so you aren’t using too much Bondo in one hole, which could crack or pop out later.

Can you use Bondo on a gas tank?

Bondo will work, just use it the right way and don’t get it too thick.

Can you fix a dented motorcycle gas tank?

Having a dented motorcycle gas tank repaired professionally is expensive, not to mention that you’ll be without your bike while it’s in the shop being fixed. Before you call the repair shop, try to get the dent out yourself using this auto dent repair trick that pops out dents without doing any damage to the paint job.

Is Bondo fuel resistant?

Bondo is resistant to fuel, but only after it is cured. If you are smoothing out a gas tank, that is great, it you are trying to fix a rusted out gas tank, this is not going to do a good job.

Can you use Bondo to fill a hole?

Put Bondo in a container and add hardener to it. Don’t add too much hardener because it will dry out fast and harden too quickly before you can use it all. Take your putty knife and work the Bondo together to remove any air pockets. Place your Bondo into the hole and try to create a flat surface on the top.

Can Bondo be used over primer?

Can you apply body filler or bondo over primer filler? Yes. You CAN apply over sanded 2k primer, or bare metal. Be sure to have the area sanded with at least a 150 so the filler has some TOOTH to grab to.

Can I put Bondo over paint?

bondo to bite into. You can apply fillers over the factory paint if it’s clean and sanded real good. It’s done all the time. It’ll be fine.

Will Bondo stick to painted wood?

You can apply Bondo with a putty knife or with the same tool you use to apply wood filler but the consistency is different. Check out last weeks Quick Tip Tuesday to see what I use so the Bondo doesn’t stick to my paint sticks! Unlike wood filler that may need to be applied in a few coats, Bondo has NO shrinkage.

What happens if you paint over wet filler?

If this is not done, what tends to happen is the moisture from the paint gets absorbed on the surface – the filler will be more porous than the surrounding wall – undiluted – the paint will dry quickly and you will get a halo effect where the outer edges of the filler will be evident.

Why does filler show through paint?

Make sure that all filled areas are rubbed down smooth and level. You will need to prime the filler before painting to prevent subsequent coats being absorbed more rapidly than on other areas.

Can you paint straight onto polyfilla?

The cracks should then be filled using an appropriate filler. The Polycell Polyfilla range has a filler for every size of gap. This can then be painted with your chosen finish.

Do you need to prime wood filler before painting?

Once the area is completely filled and sanded smooth, prime the piece. I have found that the wood filler and sanded areas accept the paint differently, so priming the piece ensures an even surface for a nice smooth paint finish. Paint away!

How long after polyfilla Can you paint?

Wait until the application has dried (2 hours for thin 2mm applications depending on humidity), then lightly sand the filled areas to an even finish. Remove dust with a soft brush. Allow longer drying times for deeper applications or if painting with oil based paints (24 hours minimum).

How long does polyfilla take to harden?

60 minutes

Do you need to rinse off sugar soap before painting?

Sugar soap will effectively remove any grease and grime—just ensure the sugar soap is washed off the surface prior to painting.

Can you dry polyfilla with a hair dryer?

Answer: Yes you can use a hair dryer or a heat gun to dry the mud on a sheetrock repair faster. It is best to let the repair dry a little slower, but if you are in a hurry you can use a hair dryer or a heat gun to speed up the process.

Can you dry filler with a hair dryer?

Yes you can use a hair dryer or a heat gun to dry the mud on a sheetrock repair faster. It is best to let the repair dry a little slower, but if you are in a hurry you can use a hair dryer or a heat gun to speed up the process.

How long does instant filler take to dry?

30 minutes

Does polyfilla dry hard?

A fast drying plasterboard filler perfect for large cracks, gaps, dents and holes in interior surfaces. Extremely easy to sand, sets to a hard finish and is highly crack resistant.

Can you use polyfilla to fill holes in wood?

Polycell Polyfilla for Wood General Repairs is a ready to use multi-purpose wood filler for general and minor repairs to interior and exterior wood. The formulation is quick drying, giving a tough and durable fill that flexes with the natural movement of wood. Quick drying, easy to sand.

Can you add water to polyfilla?

Can I add water to a Polyfilla ready to use filler to make it flow more smoothly? A. No, this will decrease the filling ability of the product. If the product seems too firm, manipulate the tube with your hands before use – this will soften it up.

How big a hole can you fill with polyfilla?
