
Can I reenlist with a Jfw?

Can I reenlist with a Jfw?

And JFW – Erroneous enlistment; Medical condition disqualifying for military service, with no medical waiver approved. In my opinion the short answer is no, it should not prevent you from getting a TWIC or MMC. If you were able to get a waiver there would be a chance to re-enlist but that is not the question.

Can I reenlist with a reentry code 3?

Individuals with an RE Code of “3” can normally reenlist in the Army or another Service, but will probably require a waiver to be processed. Individuals with an Army RE Code of “4” are normally not eligible to reenlist in the Army, nor join another service.

Can I rejoin the military with an OTH?

This may be honorable, other than honorable (OTH), bad conduct, or dishonorable. You are normally only eligible for reenlistment if you have an honorable discharge. All other discharges than honorable tend to have legal or court martial offenses attached to them.

Can I reenlist with a general discharge?

There are several types of discharges that can keep you from re-enlisting in the service, including a bad conduct discharge, an “other than honorable discharge” and a dishonorable discharge. On the other hand, if you received a general or honorable discharge, you may qualify for re-enlistment.

Can you reenlist with an Article 15?

Servicemembers Can Appeal An Article 15 Anyone found guilty as the result of an Article 15 hearing has the right to appeal using the chain of command. The appeal would be delivered to the next-highest commander.

Do Navy Seals get paid for life?

Any Navy SEAL who was honorably discharged is eligible for retirement benefits after 20 years of service, but many stay in for 30 years to increase their monthly income. The average annual base pay for a Navy SEAL is $54,000 a year. The annual pay prior to retirement determines a retiree’s monthly income.

Is the SAS Tier 1?

The SAS and SBS are sometimes referred to as ‘Tier 1’ SF units because they are the units usually tasked with direct action. 18 (UKSF) Signals Regiment, the SRR and SFSG are referred to as ‘Tier 2’ units as they, usually, fulfil a supporting role for the Tier 1 units.