
Can guppies breed with platys?

Can guppies breed with platys?

Guppies and platies are two different families. Guppies are from the Poeciliidae family, while platies are from the Xiphophorus. This means, guppies and platies can’t crossbreed, so no matter how hard you would like to have a guppy platy hybrid, it is impossible.

Why is my Guppy chasing my platy?

Guppies typically chase platy and molly fish for mating purposes. Male guppies frequently attempt to breed with mollies and platies when the tank lacks female guppies. However, that also happens under stressful conditions, like low water quality, overcrowded tanks, and territorial struggles.

What fish can platys breed with?

The two species most commonly available in fish stores are Xiphophorus maculatus (southern platyfish) and Xiphophorus variatus (variable or variatus platy). They can crossbreed with each other and with swordtail species, which has resulted in many different color variations. What are the different platy fish types?

Can guppies crossbreed with other guppies?

Livebearers and egg-layers cannot breed due to genetics and their reproductive systems. The same goes for breeding different species of livebearers with other livebearers such as platys with guppies – it’s just not physiologically possible. However, any type of guppy can breed with another guppy.

How quickly do guppies breed?

Most female guppies first produce young ones at between 10 to 20 weeks of age, while males can mate and breed at seven (7) weeks. After the first breeding, your guppies can reproduce after every 30 days and continue reproducing up to around 20 months of age, which closely coincide with guppies average lifespan.

Do all female guppies have a gravid spot?

Female guppies usually have a gravid spot. This is a dark coloration on the underside of the guppy. The gravid spot gets darker when the female guppy is pregnant and grows as the fry inside her grow. The gravid spot is darker on a normal colored guppy.

How many babies can a guppy have?

Guppy. Guppies are highly prolific livebearers giving birth to between five and 30 fry, though under extreme circumstances, she may give birth to only one or two or over 100. The gestation period of a guppy is typically 21–30 days, but can vary considerably.

Do Guppy fry need air pump?

In short, you need a heater for your guppy fry tank. Besides this, it’s really important to have an air pump in the guppies fry tank. Guppies’ babies need oxygen to survive. For this, you need an air pump that agitates the surface of the water so that your babies will get more oxygen through water oxygen exchange.

Will guppies kill each other?

Can Guppies Kill Each Other? It’s entirely possible that guppies male or female can kill other guppies in their tank. If you don’t remove a bully or aggressor, then the chances of another guppy in your tank dying are going to increase. While it’s not as likely that they’ll outright kill each other by attacking.

How long can I keep my guppy fry in a breeder box?

If you do use a breeder box, remove the fry after a week — two at most. Unless you have some really large fish in the community tank, the fry should be large enough at one week to not fit in the others’ mouths. If they feel they’re in danger, they’ll hide.

Will my guppy fry survive?

Often, baby guppies are getting eaten by their parents and other aquarium fish. If you don’t have a separate breeding tank, where you put your pregnant female to drop the fry, chances is that your guppy fry will not survive.

Can Endler guppies breed with normal guppies?

As a final note, Endlers will easily hybridize (crossbreed) with the common guppy, which results in fertile offspring. Since Endlers are thought to be extinct in their natural habitat, the subject of Endler hybrids can create heated arguments between hobbyists.

Can I leave Guppy fry in the tank?

If on the other hand, you don’t mind taking care of the fry, you can separate them from the adults and grow them for a few weeks in a separate tank. Once they’re large enough, you can put them back into the main tank. In a couple of weeks, they’re large enough to be put back into the tank with the adults.

How many guppy fry will survive?

I have been breeding guppies for a year and never have I once used a breeder box, all it does is stress out the female. Normally 5-15 fry survive every batch.

How can I make my guppy fry grow faster?

Best Ways to Make Guppy Fry Grow Faster

  1. raise guppy fry in a separate tank and not in breeding boxes.
  2. separate fry from adults or community tank.
  3. separate fry by size and gender.
  4. provide them with enough space and water volume.
  5. feed regularly high quality and high variety of food.