
Can a guppy impregnate a Molly?

Can a guppy impregnate a Molly?

It is a pretty well-known fact that guppies and mollies can mate and reproduce. The offspring are often deformed, sterile, or just don’t live for some unknown reason. But they can definitely reproduce.

Are Guppy Molly hybrids sterile?

Mollies and guppies can cross breed. Infact guppies are mollies. However, much like a horse and donkey cross produces a sterile mule, the guppy “molly” cross will more than likely produce a sterile hybrid. But yes because they’re so closely related they can cross breed.

Can balloon mollies breed with guppies?

Molly/Guppy offspring will not breed, they’ll be sterile.

Can you cross breed guppies?

What Fish Can Breed with Guppies? Just like with platies, guppies can be crossbreed within their family: Poeciliidae. There are many fish species, which are part of the Poeciliidae family, the most common, which are also available in most fish shops are endler guppies and mollies.

Can guppies breed with their siblings?

As already been mentioned overhere, they´ll certainly breed with eachother. Even in nature siblings will breed with eachother. But mutations like deformities by inbreeding won´t happen so fast in the wild in comparison to captive ones. It´s a fact that guppies are more vulnerable to mutations when kept in captivity.

What is the most expensive Guppy?

purple Moscow guppies

Can fish mate with siblings?

so to answer the question, its fine to breed siblings/relatives. just dont do it over and over and over or else the chance of something “bad” showing up is increased (along with potential “good things” too-its a gamble). but thats all genetics is-rolling the dice with the genes that are present.

Should I isolate my pregnant guppy?

It is recommended that a pregnant guppy be removed from the community tank, or isolated in a part of it, in order to give birth to her fry.

When should I separate my pregnant guppies?

Since a single insemination can produce a series of broods, it is best to separate the sexes as soon as possible so that you can control which males father the next generation of guppies. The new fry may be ready to reproduce in as little as three months in some cases.

Should you separate pregnant fish?

Ideally, pregnant females should be placed on their own in a separate aquarium with lots of feathery plants where they can give birth in a stress-free environment. Then again, once she releases the fry she is returned to the main tank and the fry can be grown on separately.

Why do fish die after giving birth?

Always remember fish tend to die after giving birth if severely stressed and this is especially true when you place the gravid female in a breeder trap which does not offer refuge and comfort for her at all, but stress her to the point she will attempt to jump out of fright and die in the process due to severe stress.

Why do female guppies eat their babies?

In other words, by weeding out offspring that will take a lot of time to mature, the parent guppy can conserve their energy for subsequent, faster-developing fry. Another explanation is that female guppies eat their own babies as a way of replenishing their fat storage.

How do you stop fish from eating babies?

Three Ways To Stop Guppies From Eating Their Babies

  1. Separate The Guppy Female When She Is Pregnant. Guppy fry have a smaller chance of surviving when there are many adult fish in the tank.
  2. Use A Breeding Box Or Net.
  3. Provide Hiding Places By Growing Plants Or Using Tank Decorations.

Do baby guppies look like their parents?

It depends how much you payed for the guppies. Most cheap guppies will have fry similar to themselves but not exactly the same. Only the expensive fish that have had a lot of time put into breeding a “line “will have all fry that look exactly the same.

What is the best fish food for guppies?

Brine shrimp

What fish can you keep with guppies?

Guppies are good-natured, peaceful fish that will enjoy the company of a large variety of equally sized, peaceful freshwater fish. Perfect tank mates for guppies include swordtails, mollies, platies, Cory catfish, and few others I mentioned in this article.

Can angel fish live with guppies?

Keeping guppies and angelfish together isn’t a good idea, and it’s best not to put them in a community tank together. Guppies are small peaceful fish, whereas angelfish are aggressive and grow to 6″ and bigger in size.