Are you paid during OCS?

Are you paid during OCS?

Army OCS Candidates get paid as E-5’s. If you attend Army National Guard OCS, you get paid as an E-6, whether you attend one of the accelerated courses or the normal 14-16 months combination of Drill and AT periods.

How long does it take to get accepted to OCS?

The average wait time to be selected to OCS is 5 months after the packet is submitted. Average wait to attend OCS after being selected for “in-service” Army personnel is 12 months.

Do you get weekends off in Army OCS?

No, seriously, while there’s a good chance you’ll get a weekend leave at some point in OCS, it will probably be scheduled at the Army’s convenience more than yours. You’ll have to figure out which thing is more important to you and either risk missing your cousin’s wedding or change when you go off to OCS.

Does OCS pay for college?

No. There is no tuition forgiveness or reimbursement. Officer salary is more than plenty for repaying loans, etc. I mean you could attend OCS after college and use the money you earn as a junior officer to incrementally reimburse your parents for your college education.

How often do Coast Guard officers move?

two to four years

Does the US Coast Guard deploy?

Coast Guard personnel can be called upon to serve overseas during time of national emergency or on routine deployments of cutters overseas. In fact, Coast Guard personnel have served in every major conflict including Desert Storm and the Iraq war.

What are the pros and cons of joining the Coast Guard?

9 Pros of Serving in the Coast Guard

  • Pro: You likely won’t ever step foot in a war zone.
  • Pro: Housing and Food Allowances.
  • Pro: Free Medical and Dental Care.
  • Pro: Lots of Career Choices.
  • Pro: Steady Pay.
  • Pro: GI Bill.
  • Pro: 30 Days’ Vacation Every Year.
  • Pro: You’ll be Serving Your Country.

Why do army recruiters lie?

This is a lie that recruiters tell you to get you to sign into an open or high demand field. While there are some jobs that provide you with skills you need to have a great civilian career, some jobs do not have an equivalent at all. This is something to consider when you do not plan to spend 20 year in the Military.

What is the oldest age to join the military as an officer?

age 35