
Are Symbols powerful?

Are Symbols powerful?

Symbols are a powerful influence on our psychological and spiritual life. Within our inner world, a symbol can present potential or a calling meant only for your understanding. Humanity has always used symbols to express its awareness of the Divine – the creative force.

What is the symbol for recovery?

The Sobriety Circle is the symbol used by Alcoholics Anonymous. The equilateral triangle represents the three part answer – unity, recovery and service – to a three part disease – physical, mental and spiritual, while the circle represents wholeness or oneness.

What does TT tattoo mean?


What does the arrows tattoo mean?

Arrow tattoos often are derived from the Native American culture and way of life. Because of this, arrow tattoos today symbolize strength in certain phase in someone’s life and direction in finding your way. They also represent personal achievement and the fight it takes to get there.

What does AA symbol mean?

The circle stands for the whole world of AA, and the triangle stands for AA’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity and Service. The Circle and Triangle symbol has long been connected with the AA Fellowship.

What are the 3 legacies of AA?

The Three Legacies of AA are: recovery, unity and service.

  • The suggestions for recovery are the Twelve Steps;
  • The suggestions for achieving unity are the Twelve Traditions;
  • The suggestions for service are described in Twelve Concepts for World Service, The AA Service Manual and Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age.

What is the AA mantra?

The AA Serenity Prayer These simple words ring clear through the hearts and minds of Alcoholics Anonymous members across the world: God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and. Wisdom to know the difference.

How many members are in Alcoholics Anonymous?

two million