
Are names of medications capitalized?

Are names of medications capitalized?

Pharmaceutical drug brand names, if used, should be written with a capital letter, but international standard drug names should not be capitalized.

Are names of diseases capitalized?

In general, do not capitalize the names of diseases, disorders, therapies, treatments, theories, concepts, hypotheses, principles, models, and statistical procedures.

What is the correct spelling of penicillin?

Correct spelling for the English word “penicillin” is [pˈɛnɪsˌɪlɪn], [pˈɛnɪsˌɪlɪn], [p_ˈɛ_n_ɪ_s_ˌɪ_l_ɪ_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is Ebola capitalized?

Ebola and West Nile virus are capitalized.

Is bubonic plague capitalized?

In general, names of diseases are not capitalized unless they contain a proper name, such as Crohn’s disease. So, it’s the plague. According to Merriam-Webster, it’s the plague, the bubonic plague, or black death.

Is multiple sclerosis capitalized?

1) You don’t capitalize the name of the disease (multiple sclerosis). You only use capital letters when referring to it as ‘MS.

Is Down Syndrome capitalized?

The correct name of this diagnosis is Down syndrome. There is no apostrophe “s” in Down. The “s” in syndrome is not capitalized (syndrome). Encourage people to use people-first language.

Does cancer need to be capitalized?

Here’s why. Diseases named after regions and people are capitalized; other diseases are not. For example, influenza, diabetes, and cancer also aren’t capitalized. The other official name for coronavirus disease is COVID-19, which is capitalized because it’s an abbreviation for “COronaVIrus Disease-2019.”

Do you capitalize cerebral palsy?

diseases Do not capitalize spina bifida, cerebral palsy, osteogenesis imperfecta, etc. When a disease is known by the name of a person identified with it, capitalize only the individual’s name: Cushing’s disease or Down syndrome.

Is Parkinson’s Disease capitalized?

Capitalization (CAP) Words other than proper names, however, are also capitalized, such as the first word of a term, making it impossible to use this criterion alone (e.g. in the term “Dementia in Parkinson’ s disease”, “Dementia” is capitalized, yet is not a proper name).

Should disabled be capitalized?

Disabled People The word “disabled” is a description, rather than a collective term. As such the use of terms such as “the disabled” is incorrect. “Disabled People” is a more desirable term in which it is preferred that both Disabled and People are capitalised. 99% of the time, identity-first language is preferred.

Is saying disabled offensive?

It is okay to use words or phrases such as “disabled,” “disability,” or “people with disabilities” when talking about disability issues. Ask the people you are with which term they prefer if they have a disability. When in doubt, call a person with a disability by his/her name.

Is Mentally Challenged appropriate?

Mentally retarded: Always try to specify the type of disability being referenced. Otherwise, the terms mental disability, intellectual disability and developmental disability are acceptable. See entry on mentally retarded/mentally disabled, intellectually disabled, developmentally disabled .

What is considered mental retardation?

The vast majority of people in the United States have I.Q.s between 80 and 120, with an I.Q. of 100 considered average. To be diagnosed as having mental retardation, a person must have an I.Q. below 70-75, i.e. significantly below average. If a person scores below 70 on a properly administered and scored I.Q.

Why is Rosa’s law so important?

SUMMARY: Rosa’s Law changes references to “mental retardation” in Federal law to “intellectual disability” or “intellectual disabilities.” These final regulations implement this statutory change in applicable Department of Education regulations.

What did Rosa’s law do?

Known as “Rosa’s Law,” the law removes the terms “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” from federal health, education and labor policy and replaces them with people first language “individual with an intellectual disability” and “intellectual disability.”

When was Rosa’s Law introduced?


How is intellectual disability characterized?

Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills. This disability originates before the age of 22.

What is the difference between cognitive and intellectual disability?

Cognitive disabilities are obstacles to learning. Intellectual disabilities are specific cognitive difficulties that create a low intelligence quotient (IQ) score and significant problems in the ways learners adapt to new situations, such as their ability to socialize or take a test.

What is the IQ level for intellectual disability?

Levels of Intellectual Disability

Level IQ Range
Mild IQ 52–69
Moderate IQ 36–51
Severe IQ 20–35
Profound IQ 19 or below