
Are Lamp Eye Tetras aggressive?

Are Lamp Eye Tetras aggressive?

These tetras can become a little aggressive so they should be kept in large schools. Red Eye Tetra – Also known as the Lamp Eye Tetra, this species grows to about 3 inches long and it has a bright red spot placed over the eye and a thick black band running vertically through the tail.

Are Lamp Eye Tetras fin nippers?

These tetras are known for their fin nipping, but keeping them in a school will discourage this.

How big do lamp eye tetras get?

It can grow up to 7 cm (2.8 in) in length, and live for approximately 5 years. The red-eye tetra has a bright silver body accented by a white-edged black basal half of the tail and a thin red circle around its eye.

What fish can live with Red Eyed Tetras?

In addition, other tetras may pick on them at times, so keep an eye on the community. These tetras do well in a community tank. Good tankmates are other tetras, rainbowfish, barbs, danios and the larger rasboras. Most peaceful bottom dwellers will also make good tankmates.

Can red eye tetras live with guppies?

Red Eye Tetras are a typical schooling tetra and should be kept in groups of at least 6. They are definitely not good companions for smaller tetras and guppies.

Does fin nipping hurt fish?

Fin nipping can kill over time because the fish will become stressed. It is generally accpeted now that fish do feel pain, though it is still debated, so I would say that yes, it is hurting them.

Why do my fish keep chasing each other?

Chasing behavior can be of three types: male rivalry to determine dominance, males courting female fish to mate, and females chasing male fish. In this last case females may either want to show they are ready to mate, or want to chase away over-eager male fish.

Should you turn off light in fish tank at night?

You should turn off the light in your aquarium at night. Most fish require a period of light and darkness each day to thrive. So, turning off the aquarium light at night will also benefit the plants. Algae growth, a big problem in fish tanks, is best controlled by turning off the fish tank light at night.

How long should you leave your fish tank light on?

10 to 12 hours

Which color light is best for aquarium?

Red, blue and green LEDs are in popular use for standard aquarium lighting since these light temperatures greatly enhance the colors of the objects inside the aquarium. The colors of aquatic plants appear much more rich and vibrant, red fish, shrimp and of course red-leaved stem plants look much flashier.