
Why is my Google account not working on YouTube?

Why is my Google account not working on YouTube?

Make sure you’ve updated your YouTube app to the latest version in Google Play. Uninstall and reinstall the app on your device (even if you have the latest version). Make sure you’re using a Google Account to sign in. Try adding your Google Account to your mobile device using the instructions for Android devices.

How do I allow YouTube app in family link?

With the Family Link app

  1. On your device, open the Family Link app .
  2. Select your child.
  3. Under “Settings,” tap Manage settings. Settings on YouTube.
  4. Under “YouTube Settings” tap Edit.
  5. Choose the content setting you want to change.
  6. To confirm, tap Select.

How do I unblock an app on family link?

How To Block Or Unblock An App

  1. Open the Family Link app.
  2. Select your child.
  3. Find the Apps installed card.
  4. Tap More.
  5. Tap the name of the app you want to allow or block.
  6. Turn Allow app on or off.

How do I watch YouTube under 13?

When you use Family Link to create a Google Account for your child under 13, your child can use the YouTube Kids app where it’s available. However, they can’t use any other YouTube apps, websites, or features until they turn 13 and manage their own Google Account.

What is unspeakable full name?

Points 78. Rating 0. Unspeakable Gaming’s real name is Nathan.

How do you join Unspeakables server?

You can now click the big green PLAY button located at the bottom middle of the launcher. Once you’ve clicked that button, the game will launch. This may take a little while, but don’t worry! Once it’s up, you can join the server by using the IP

What is Unspeakables server address?

Join Unspeakable as he adventures throughout the ChaseCraft Minecraft Server….

Server IP:
Server Version: 1.16.5
Players Online: 147 / 5000
Submitted: /td>

What is the Chasecraft server address?


Minecraft Version 1.16.4
Registered by ChaseCraftMC
Registered since July 7th, 2019 01:33 AM EST

Can you join Minecraft servers on mobile?

It’s easy to connect to our official server partners – just look for the “Servers” tab from the Minecraft game menu on your Windows 10 computer, mobile device or tablet, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, or PS4.

How do you add servers on Minecraft Mobile?

To do that, press:

  1. Play.
  2. New.
  3. Add external server (top right, represented by a plus symbol and an arrow)
  4. And enter a name–can be any name.
  5. Enter the address.
  6. Enter port number.
  7. Tap Add server.