Why do we use phenolphthalein as an indicator in titration?

Why do we use phenolphthalein as an indicator in titration?

A strong acid- strong base titration is performed using a phenolphthalein indicator. Phenolphtalein is chosen because it changes color in a pH range between 8.3 – 10. It will appear pink in basic solutions and clear in acidic solutions.

What can be used instead of phenolphthalein?

If the strong acid is in burette, then methyl orange is a better choice as the colour change from yellow to orange is very sharp. In this case, the colour change observed if phenolphthalein is used is from pink to very pale pink. The difference between pale pink and colourless is almost indistinguishable.

What is the meaning of methyl orange?

Methyl orange is a pH indicator frequently used in titrations. It is often used in titrations because of its clear and distinct colour change. Because it changes colour at the pH of a mid-strength acid, it is usually used in titrations for acids. Methyl orange has mutagenic properties.

When few drops of methyl orange are added to sodium hydroxide solution?

Below pH 3.4, methyl orange indicates with a red color. Around the range 2.4–4.4, it will indicate with a somewhat orange color, as it is in the middle of a red and yellow color. NaOH is a strong base. Any solution of NaOH will have a pH greater than 7.24

What happens when methyl orange is added to vinegar?

Answer: In a solution becoming less acidic, methyl orange moves from red to orange and finally to yellow with the reverse occurring for a solution increasing in acidity. The entire color change occurs in acidic conditions.1

When methyl orange is mixed with citric acid it turns to?

Methyl orange changes from orange to red in acidic solution.

What is use of methyl orange?

From Wikipedia Methyl orange is a pH indicator frequently used in titrations because of its clear and distinct colour change. Because it changes colour at the pH of a midstrength acid, it is usually used in titrations for acids.5

Why is methyl orange called an indicator?

Methyl orange is a pH indicator frequently used in titration because of its clear and distinct color variance at different pH values. Methyl orange shows red color in acidic medium and yellow color in basic medium. Because it changes color at the pKa of a mid strength acid, it is usually used in titration for acids.4