
Why are my dreads changing color?

Why are my dreads changing color?

The sun. The sun is so powerful that the UVA and UVB rays cause discoloration to the hair stands by destroying the melanin. This causes a permanent change in hair color and texture. Sun bleaching is not unique to dreads but is definitely more noticeable since the same hairs are always facing the sun.

Can you brush out dreads?

Well, I’m here to tell you, yes, dreadlocks can be combed out, especially ones that have been properly cared for during their life, including regular shampooing and conditioning. If you decide to comb out your ‘locks, it’s critical that you approach the process with much patience.

How do you treat severely matted hair?

Open a pair of scissors and hold your hair tight with your other hand. Run the bottom blade of the scissors along the underside of the mat, then gently tug at your hair to remove loose strands. Use a wide-toothed comb until the severe mats and tangles have been straightened out.

What is the best way to brush out matted hair?

Use a detangling brush, starting from the bottom of the matted hair and working your way up. Section off the matted hair and hold it at the top to avoid any pulling as you brush through it. The combination of running water and conditioner helps prevent pulling and tugging and allows the matted hair to move more freely.

Is it better to comb curly hair wet or dry?

Is it better to brush curly hair wet or dry? When it comes to brushing curly hair, it’s always a better idea to do so when the curls are wet. Secondly, brushing curly hair while dry can not only ruin the pattern, but the tension can actually cause breakage.

Should I comb my curly hair in the shower?

Using a fine-tooth comb on textured hair is the easiest way to disrupt your curl pattern, causing your strands to turn into one giant, unruly mess. Instead, try gently combing and detangling your curls in the shower while you condition your hair.