Who was the old woman sitting opposite him?

Who was the old woman sitting opposite him?

When the old woman sitting opposite to him suddenly addressed him, Andrew felt surprised. He thought about Bramwell and the unhappy Edward Page. He opinionated that all marriages were “dismal failures” and every time the image of Christine came in his mind.

What does the clock represent in The Great Gatsby?

When Gatsby, Daisy and Nick are all awkwardly sitting in the living room of Nick’s home, Gatsby knocks the clock off the mantle and then catches it. – This clock and Gatsby catching after almost dropping it in front of Daisy represents time lost with Daisy and his now finally making it up or “catching it”.

How do you make a clock tick backwards?

What you need to do is reverse the polarity of the electro magnet in the motor that runs the clock. you do that by reversing the electromagnet itself . The ‘U’ shaped metallic thing with the coil wrapped around it is the electromagnet.

Why does Nick tell Gatsby he is acting like a little boy?

5 years next November. Nick, who is usually reserved, becomes assertive on page 88. What does he say and why? Nick tells Gatsby that he is acting like a little boy and he is being rude and that he needs to get back in there with Daisy because she is sitting alone.

Who says I’m sorry about the clock?

‘I’m sorry about the clock,’ he said. ‘Its an old clock,’ I told them idiotically. I think we all believed for a moment that it had smashed in pieces on the floor” (86). This is symbolic of Gatsby not letting go of his relationship with Daisy.

Was Gatsby’s house on fire?

His house is on fire – actually it is not. Why does Nick think his house is on fire? Because Gatsby’s entire house is lit up. You just studied 38 terms!

Are you in love with me or why did I have to come alone?

I had to follow the sound of it for a moment, up and down, with my ear alone, before any words came through. “Are you in love with me,” she said low in my ear, “or why did I have to come alone?” “That’s the secret of Castle Rackrent. Tell your chauffeur to go far away and spend an hour.”

Why is he running down like an overwound clock?

The “running down like an overwound clock” shows that he is breaking down in nervousness. – Foreshadowing/Premonition of a possible overreaction from Gatsby, as he is so ecstatic now. All of Gatsby’s parties, flaunting, and purchases have been with Daisy in mind, and it seems to far to have paid off.

Why is it important that the green light is not visible in this scene?

Why is it important that the green light is not visible in this scene? The light represents Daisy perfection being far away from him. He light is green because it represents money. It is important since Gatsby thinks he has Daisy.

What does Nick mean when he says the green light is again a green light on a dock 98 )?

“Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one.” This quote means that the green light, which represents Gatsby’s longing for Daisy, has lost its symbolic meaning after the two are successfully reunited.

How does Fitzgerald represent the American dream?

F. Scott Fitzgerald believed, due to his own personal experiences, that the American dream was a cruel mistress whom presented all peoples with opportunity, yet even with success made happiness constantly out of reach.

How is Tom Buchanan corrupted by wealth?

Tom Buchanan depicts lust, greed, pride, and anger, which corrupts his character and causes him to lose his morality. – Tom shows greed in the form of another woman. It shows corruption because he is being disloyal. Tom uses his wealth as a reason for being disloyal.