Who played the Genie in Wizards of Waverly Place?

Who played the Genie in Wizards of Waverly Place?

Candace Brown

Is Alex Russo’s mom a wizard?

The three Russo siblings are wizards in training and live with their Italian-American father Jerry (David DeLuise), a former wizard, and their Mexican-American mother, Theresa (Maria Canals Barrera) who is a mortal. Alex’s best friend Harper (Jennifer Stone) also found out about the Russos’ wizard powers in season 2.

Why is Jerry Russo not a wizard?

Born a wizard and having possessed magic powers as a child, he won the family wizard competition but gave them to his brother, Kelbo Russo, in order to marry Theresa. Although he does not have powers, his children inherited their powers from him.

Who died from Wizards of Waverly Place?


Is Juliet in season 3 of Wizards of Waverly Place?

Season 3. Juliet in Harper’s marker dress Juliet befriends Justin’s sister, Alex, and her best friend Harper which upsets Justin because his girlfriend is friends with his sister. Justin continues his monster hunting and he discovers three-level six monsters on Waverly Place. Juliet hugs Justin goodbye.

What personality type is Alex Russo?


Is Alex a full wizard?

Alex became a full wizard in Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, but later makes a wish through the Stone of Dreams to turn back time which, in turn, made her a student again (it would take a little while longer for her to achieve that title again).

What is Alex Russo’s real name?

Selena Gomez

Who is Alex’s boyfriend in Wizards of Waverly Place?

Mason Greyback

Why did Justin Russo not attend college?

5 JUSTIN AND ZEKE DIDN’T GO TO COLLEGE Justin’s love of school and learning was constant, and his declaration at the end of “Delinquent Justin” that he would attend medical school fit in with his character. But his higher education never came to fruition as he focused on getting back into the wizard competition.