Who owns Spangler Candy?

Who owns Spangler Candy?

Kirk Vashaw is elected President and CEO in July. He becomes the 7th chief executive in our 105 year history. Ted Spangler, son of founder Arthur Spangler, and past director of sales, president, chief executive, and board chairman for Spangler Candy Company, dies at the age of 92 in September.

Is the candy cane a religious symbol?

The ubiquitous Christmas candy cane is a symbol of the simple roots of Christianity, one so old that we have all but forgotten its origin. The candy takes the shape of a shepherd’s crook, representing the humble shepherds who were first to worship the newborn Christ

Do candy canes represent Jesus?

In Indiana, a candy maker wanted to make a candy that could be a reminder of Jesus Christ, so he made the Christmas candy cane. He started off with a stick of pure white hard candy. He then stained it with three stripes which showed the scourging Jesus received, and symbolized the blood shed by Christ on the cross.

What does Curley represent?

Curley represents an obstacle to George and Lennie because he abuses the power he possesses on the ranch. Curley’s first appearance with George and Lennie shows how much of an obstacle he will be for them

How is Curley described?

Curley is a “thin young man with a brown face, with brown eyes and a head of tightly curled hair.” According to Candy, Curley is an amateur boxer and is always picking fights, especially with guys who are bigger than he is. Curley tries to prove his masculinity by picking fights.

How is Curley’s wife described?

Character Analysis Curley’s Wife. She is defined by her role: Curley’s wife or possession. George and Candy call her by other names such as “jailbait” or “tart.” She wears too much makeup and dresses like a “whore” with red fingernails and red shoes with ostrich feathers.

What is Curley’s wife’s weakness?

Her desperation for someone to talk to is ultimately what got her killed, due to her allowing Lennie to pet her hair. Curley’s wife, Lennie, and all other characters share in their weakness of loneliness. The common weakness that links all of the characters is loneliness, which pervades as a theme throughout the story

How have Curley’s wife’s dreams for her life changed or been lost?

How have Curley’s wife’s dreams for her life changed or been lost? Curley’s wife’s dreams have changed because she admits that Curley is not a nice person. She has given up on their marriage. Curley’s wife tells Lennie about the letter because she had no one else to talk to about it.

Does Curley’s wife know what happened to Curley’s hand?

Does Curley’s wife really know what happened to his hand? What is her reaction to the incident? Yes. She is glad Curley got what he deserved.

What are Curley’s wife hopes for the future?

Curley’s wife’s dream is to become a movie actress. A man once told her he’d put her in movies, but Curley’s wife never heard back from him. She holds on to that dream and talks about what could have been. At a more basic level, her dream is about being able to escape the ranch and her dissatisfying marriage to Curley.