Who does Mrs Dubose represent?

Who does Mrs Dubose represent?

Dubose represents the traditional order of the Confederate South. One way Harper Lee establishes this association is to give Mrs. Dubose a taste for the novels of Sir Walter Scott, whose romantic visions of aristocracy and gentility shaped the Old South’s image of itself.

What does Mrs Dubose gift symbolize?

Henry Lafayette Dubose was battling her own demons — her morphine addiction. She was able to kick the habit with Jem’s company and when she passed away, she gave Jem a box with a white camellia inside. The camellia represents understanding and patience. After Jem has cut off all of her camellia flowers, Mrs.

What is the purpose of Mrs Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mrs. Duboses’s character serves as a reminder that we need to sympathize with and understand all people, even those who seem detestable at first. Mrs. Dubose is so unlikeable that Jem destroys all of her prized camellia bushes.

What do Mrs Dubose’s flowers symbolize?

Mrs. Dubose’s camellias represent the racism and prejudice found in Maycomb County. The fact that her camellias are white hints towards the racial tensions in Maycomb. Jem’s rash behavior represents an immature way of attempting to deal with racism.

How does Mrs Dubose represent courage?

Dubose is found in chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird. The three ways that she demonstrates courage are: by facing the world alone and sick for a very long time; by deciding at her old age to conquer a drug addiction; and by achieving her goal to die free from said addiction. For many years, Mrs.

Why are cats seen as feminine?

Cats and female sexuality are especially closely associated; women may even be described as “feline” or “catlike” when they are objectified and sexualized. Cats, of course, are linked with women, while dogs are linked with men. Women like cats because they’re independent and clean. Men like dogs because they’re needy.