
Which is hotter red or green curry?

Which is hotter red or green curry?

Green curries are hot, red curries less so.It had always been so, that is simply the way it is. Therefore, I was surprised to find out that in the West the reverse was often thought to be the case. That Thai red curry is the spiciest with the Thai green curry being much milder.

What is difference between red yellow and green curry?

Red curry was made with several red chilies for a fiery hot dish, while green curry was made with green chilies, and yellow curry was made with yellow chilies. … Although all three colors may be spicy-hot depending on the chef, normally green is the mildest and red the hottest with yellow falling somewhere in between.

Which Thai curry is the mildest?

So, taking all the above into account, the spice-o-meter verdict is, a Thai green curry is HOT, a Thai red curry is MEDIUM-HOT and a Thai yellow curry is MILD-MEDIUM. TOP TIP: when cooking a green, red or yellow Thai curry, you can easily reduce its heat/spiciness by deseeding the chillies.