
Where do I get Electirizer?

Where do I get Electirizer?

Giant’s Bed

How do you get an elekid sword?

Where do i find and how to get Elekid? Elekid does not spawn in the wild. Instead you can catch Electabuzz and evolve it into Elekid. A popular spawn location you can find Electabuzz is in the Giant’s Bed area with a 10% chance to spawn during Thunderstorm weather.

How do you breed Electabuzz to get elekid?

Elekid is in the Undiscovered Egg Group, but an Elekid Egg can be bred from either an Electabuzz or an Electivire, an Egg that takes approximately 6,400 Steps to hatch….Elekid.

Elekid エレキッド
#239 Static Vital Spirit
Height Weight
2′ (0.6m) 51.8 lbs. (23.5kg)
Gender Ratio

Can you get Electabuzz in Soulsilver?

Electabuzz isn’t an exclusive, but you can also find them (rarely) on Route 10. Either way, you’re not getting one pre-E4 unless you trade. This space occupied by useless message.

How do you breed an elekid sword?

Elekid can be found as a random encounter in thunderstorms in a few areas: Giant’s Bed, Old Cemetery, Giant’s Foot, the Frigid Sea, Three-Point Pass, and Ballimere Lake. Alternatively, it can be bred from Electabuzz or Electivire, each of which can also be caught in the wild.

Can Ditto breed Cleffa?

pichu, cleffa, igglybuff, etc.) Ditto can’t breed with itself.

What incense is needed for Igglybuff?

You have to breed a Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff with a Ditto or a male Pokemon in the Fairy Egg Group. There is no incense needed here.

How do you catch horsea in soul silver?

Well, the only place in Johto you can catch Horsea is inside the Whirl Islands. And to get to those, you’ll need to be able to use Whirlpool, for which you’ll need the 7th Gym badge. So you’ve got a little wait yet. Once you do get access to the Whirl Islands, go inside them and surf on any body of water to catch one.